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Kevin: How come you never let me win 8 ball?

Chris: How come you never let me win poker?

Kevin: I asked you first.

Chris: I asked you second.

Kevin: Chris!

Chris: Kevin!

Kevin: Ok, stop!

Chris: Stop what?

Kevin: Copying me and cheating on 8 ball.

Chris: How can I cheat on 8 ball?

Kevin: Someone else must be playing for you.

Chris: Or maybe you're just a loser.

Kevin: Says the one who lost to Seth Rollins' two weeks in a row.

Chris: Says the one who can't defend the universal title on his own.

Kevin: Says the one who hasn't held a WWE championship in like 6 years.

Chris: Says the one who lost to Sami Zayn at Battleground.

Kevin: Says the one who hasn't won a singles match in what feels like years.

Chris: Take that back.

Kevin: Let me win 8 ball.

Chris: ...

Kevin: That's exactly what I thought.

I love you, Chris. You're a really great friend.

Chris: Too bad I can't say the same about you.

Kevin: Excuse me?

Chris: You're excused.

Kevin: You were supposed to let me win! Chris!

Come back here.

Let's play another round.

Fine then, leave.

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