Chapter 13

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Abby's POV:
It's now the seniors time to compete. First up are Brandon & Leila's solos.

Brandon went on stage to do his solo.

"Please welcome to the stage with a Contemporary solo. At number 74. Brandon with Any time now."

He forgot it.

Leila went on stage to do her solo.

"Please welcome to the stage, with a Lyrical solo. Act number 75. Leila with I don't owe you anything."

She fell out of her turns.

Then it was time for the trio.

"Please welcome to the stage a HipHop trio. Act number 201. This is Payton, Auriel & Joanne with What goes around comes around.

Payton forgot it.
Auriel looked at Payton and then stopped.
Joanne kept going the whole way through.

Then it was time for the group.

"Please welcome to the stage a Lyrical group. Act number 290. ALDC with Why not me.

They were a hot mess.

I will be surprised if any of them dances place in the top 10!


Announcer: "Let's start with our Senior solos. In 3rd place with a score of 278 we have Act number 74 Brandon from ALDC. In 2nd place with a score of 283 we have Act number 82 Elizabeth from RDA. In 1st place with a score of 289 we have Act number 75 Leila from ALDC."

"Moving onto our top 3 Senior trios. In 3rd place with a score of 284 we have Sophie, Elizabeth & Erica from AWDC. In 2nd place with a score of 286 we have Payton, Auriel & Joanne from ALDC. And in 1st place with a score of 291 we have Zoe, Christine & Mary from FDC."

"Finally, our Senior group category. In 3rd place with a score of 276 we have ALDC. In 2nd place with a score of 279 we have FDC. And in 1st place with a score of 293 we have SDA."

"Congratulations everyone."

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