Remembering The Night CH 4

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"(Y/n) I don't think I should tell you what I remember." He says as his blush grows a darker shade. You smirk knowing Niall is thinking about you and him sleeping together instead of the conversation you had.
"So you're not going to tell me what conversation we had?" You ask innocently. Niall looks at you in realization, your eyes lock and you feel like your brain is trying to remember something. Your mind soon triggers a memory of you and Niall heavily making out and tugging at each others clothes on his bed. You feel a deep blush form on your cheeks, but this time you couldn't look away from his eyes.
"I met you when you were ordering a drink, both of our friends ditched us which turns out they left with each other. I started the conversation because-" he stops himself and you lean forward to encourage him to go on. He looks at his hands."Because I thought you looked beautiful and I wanted to get to know you." He starts playing with his hands. He looks back up at you and a smirk forms on his face. The smirk suddenly made you remember your night with Niall.


Flash back
"I'll have a pineapple vodka cruiser." You said to the bartender.
"Sure, that will be-" he gets cut off by someone.
"This one is on me." A man? That voice, where have you heard that voice? "Can I have a pineapple vodka too." You didn't look up as you were trying to put your finger on it. 'Damn it tipsy brain!' You finally looked up with a smile.
"Thank-" you stopped and looked at him in shock. Pyro? "You." You finish even though there was a few seconds pause. He smirked at you and you tried to contain your excitement.
"No problem." The bartender handed you your drink.
"Thank you." You smiled taking a sip of your drink. You looked back at Niall nervously.
"I'm Niall by the way." He suck out his hand to shake.
"(Y/n)" you said as you took his hand and shook it. OMG YOU JUST TOUCHED THE PYROCYNICAL! "Would you like to sit with me?" You asked him.
"That's kind of why I got you a drink." He smirks revealing his perfect dimple, that you never noticed before. "Would you like to sit over there." you smiled as you pointed to a booth, he smirks again and nodded in agreement. You made your way over and sat down. It was silent between you for a few seconds.
"So what brings you here alone?" He asked.
"My friend left with some guy, you?"
"Same." He chuckles.
"What if it is the same people." You joked.
"That would be so funny." He laughs. "What was your friends name?" He asked.
"(Y/f/n)." You replied. His jaw dropped then quickly turned into a smirk.
"Well guess what?" He said on the verge of laughter.
"They actually left with each other." You both lost it in laughter. You stopped laughing and admired Niall's laugh and how happy he looked. You suddenly got curious about him and you wanted to know this one particular thing about him.
"So, are you single?" You asked him, he stopped laughing and looked at you.
"What?" He looked puzzled then his expression changed to understanding. "I mean yes, I am. I can't seem to get a girl to like me, my jokes can get a bit" he paused to think of a word. "Offensive."
"Same." You agreed.
"How about you, are you with some handsome man from France who can serenade you with his deep voice and guitar playing abilities." You giggled at Niall. That was such a Pyro thing to say.
"Na, I'd rather get cancer than that because as nice as it sounds I wouldn't be interested." You pause and look him in the eyes "I have a type." You stated. He stared back and smirked.
"What is your type?" He asked in a husky voice.
"That's for me to know." You smiled and winked. You sipped your drink and looked around at the drunk people at the club.
"Do you go out often?" He asked.
"No, I'm not a club kind of girl." You replied. "What about you, do you go out often?"
"Na, I'm not a club kind of guy." He smirked.
"What kind of guy are you?" You asked curiously.
"I'm a idiot who works from home." He mumbled.
"What do you do for a living?" You ask knowing the answer.
"I'm what you call a YouTuber." He looked at you curiously. "Do you watch YouTube?" He asked.You panicked, what if he finds out you're one of his fans and that makes him less interested!?
"Not really." You lied, you instantly felt guilty for lying because you lived on YouTube, especially his videos.
"Oh ok." He looks at you. He is getting suspicious "So you watch nothing on YouTube?" He asks eyeing you.
"Some makeup videos." You replied finally being truthful with him. He smiled at you.
"I swear I've seen you on YouTube." He stated.
"Ahhh well my friend does YouTube videos." You said scratching the back of your neck.
"Oh, maybe I've seen her videos." He said, and you felt a blush form on your cheek.
"Maybe." You looked away from Niall and to the drunk people dancing.
"(Y/n)?" Niall asked getting your attention. You looked at him, into his eyes, you seemed to get lost in them.
"Yeah." You finally replied looking at your drink.
"I don't know why I want to tell you this but, my last relationship with a girl ended badly." He looks down at his drink and traces his fingers around the logo. "I walked in on her with a guy, I thought she loved me but I guess she didn't." His eyes were filled with sorrow and you couldn't help but feel bad for him. You knew that pain, the pain of thinking someone loved you but finding out they were just using you.
"I'm so sorry Niall." You put your hand on his.
"We were together for 5 years and she threw it all away. She tore our relationship up. I wasn't willing to give her another chance."
"I understand." You said. "I went through a similar situation." You started. "We were together for 3 and a half years. My friend (y/f/n) told me from the start that this guy was bad news. He used me and cheated on me multiple times. I kept taking him back, until he said it was over. I never saw him since. a week after he broke up with me he tried to get back with me. I finally realized how he made me feel and I said no. He gave up after 4 months of trying to get me back." You looked up at Niall, your eyes filled with tears. "He didn't physically abuse me but he mentally and emotionally did." Niall put his hands on yours.
"I won't let that happen to you again." He says. He knew your pain and you knew his. You both ordered more drinks and soon after that you both were heading to his apartment.


Hello sorry for taking forever to upload... I've been busy packing because I'm going to America so I'm not going to be uploading for a while. I'll hopefully get to write though so I can just spam you with updates!!!! Do you guys think I should write the smut scene between you and pyro? Is that why you are here? Lol (I'm not the best at writing them but i think i do an okay job as a virgin) anyway see you In like a month and have a fantastic Christmas and New Years! See you next year XD

I was unluckily tagged by @MayloLovesCoffee (what a good username, coffee is lol) and @WolfieElise (I love wolves)

Anyway the steps to thus is....

1. Write 5 things about yourself

2. Not allowed to do it in the comments

3. You have to complete the tag within a week

4. Rules have to be started

5. No tag backs

6. You must tag 15 people

Ok so the number one thing about me is I fucking love Britain and British people (especially pyrocynical) it maybe because I'm Australian and we like mainly came from there... I dk lol. They also made the shows Doctor Who, Sherlock, The IT Crowd, and many other amazing shows. Oh yea and them accents.

The second thing about me is I fucking love dimples mate! I guess it's because they are charming in a way... like my boyfriend (yes I have a boyfriend lololol... and yes he has dimples.) I don't have dimples myself so I guess you could say I want what I can't have lolol.

Third thing is I love drawing thing like with a pencil and paper... I dk its calming to me and I always want to improve more as I draw. I get inspired by weird things whether it's a dream or a random thought. Drawing is one of my passions you know.

The forth thing is I want to become a makeup artist. I mainly want to do the special effects side of makeup but I wouldn't mind a bit of beauty makeup every once in a while. But my goal is to do makeup for a movie. I want to also start a YouTube channel to document me improving over time and so others can follow my experience and learn from it.

Fifth thing about me is food is love, food is life... I mean I can't live without it ;) hehe ok I'm soorrrrrrryyyyy-not.

Seveth I love bands lol... if you wanna know I guess I can put it in the next authors note

Sorry for so much writing I'm procrastinating from sleeping.... Don't judge me... "you're the judge oh no set me freeeeeeeeee" #TOP Is LYFEEEEEEEEEEE

I got tagged by @MayloLovesCoffee and @WolfieElise you should check out some of their stuff #talented beings

I mean you don't have to do it... but it is something to let your readers get to know you a little.. I dk don't listen to me I ain't the queen. (I know some of you don't read this fanfic but I wanted to tag you :) )













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