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The world can be a wonderful place, Veronica and I are very aware of this, we've been involved in that joy. If it hadn't been taken away from us then maybe we'd be happier, and we could have a fun for the rest of high school, despite the assholes. "Hey, I'll see you later, squirt" Veronica says and I chuckle "V, you're ten minutes older than me" she pats my arm "I'm still older, see ya" "Have fun with the Heathers" I yell to her as she goes inside the school. My sister and I are different, though not by much. She dreams of going to a great college and surviving high school as a Heather, and I just wanna make a living off of my photos, she hates it and we both know it. To put it in short, the Heathers are almighty bitches. Heather Chandler is the worst of all, and that's why she doesn't know I'm a Sawyer, because she would go after me and try to fix me like I'm a broken toy, I don't need to be fixed, I just have a different way of thinking.

"Hey" I turn around and see a kid standing behind me, he's around my age, and not to mention very attractive. "H-hi" he smiles at my little stutter "Look at you, you're all red" he points at my face and chuckles, I look down "It's fine, nothing to be embarrassed about" he winks at me before walking past me and into the school. I catch my breath and walk inside, straight to first period.

When I say I hate my geometry class, I mean I really hate it. Sometimes it just makes me wanna slit my throat right there in front of everyone. Only because I found out there are so many assholes in the class, Kurt and Ram for starters, best friends along with jocks. Ram Sweeney, third year as linebacker and eighth year of smacking lunch trays and being a huge dick. And Kurt Kelley, the quarterback, smartest guy on the football team, which is kind of like being the tallest dwarf. But the feeling has been doubled by maybe a billion as my foot passes the door. I step into the classroom and low and behold, he's sitting in the seat right behind mine in the back. I fight the urge to groan out of embarrassment and he lays his eyes on me, and he holds back a smile. I roll my eyes and walk over to my seat, not bothering to turn around. When role is called I'm nervously playing with my hands, occasionally running a hand through my hair awkwardly and clearing my throat.

"You don't need to be nervous, I'm nothing to be nervous about" I turn my body towards him and let out a chuckle "I have nothing to be nervous about, and even if I did, why would it be about you?" I ask him, he raises his eyebrows and I whisper an apology to him about my tiny outburst "Gwen?" "Here" I smile at her and she gives me one back.

"Nice to meet ya Gwen, I'm-" "Jason Dean?" "Right here," he calls out to her and she smiles "but I prefer JD, if ya don't mind". "Alright.." I say before turning back around and crossing my arms, sitting back as she starts telling us the plans for the semester. I feel a hand on my shoulder from the right and look up at Kurt, "Hey Sawyer, can you do my homework?" I chuckle "We don't have any homework, Kurt" "Oh" he says quietly and grabs his backpack as the bell rings to release us.

"Gwen" the teacher stops me and I smile "Yes?" "Mr.Dean is new here, and he wanted you to show him around, considering you're the only one he knows, I'll give you a pass" she says before I can protest and I groan quietly, he goes to stand next to me and puts his hand on my lower back "I'd like to hear that somewhere a little more private" he whispers so she can't hear it and my face turns pink again. We get out into the hallway and talk quietly, even though he can tell I don't want to speak. "I was just messing around" he said, causing me to scoff "Yeah, I know" he walks backward in front of me and I ignore him "You are cute, though, better then your little friend I saw you with earlier" I straightened the strap on my shoulder from my bag and ceased walking. "Wh-why would y-you think t-that?" I sputter out and he puts his hand on my arm and gives me a smile "Because you are". I push him gently "Oh, shut up" he laughs again and I show him where his classes are.

Of course, I think about him for the rest of the day. When lunch comes I don't look for him, I look for Amanda, my best friend since well..forever.

"Hey Dolly, what's up?" She comes up behind me and drags me over to the table we usually sit at. "I have geometry first period, so my day is pretty tragic" I say, crossing my arms and leaning them on the table. "What's with the face?" She asks, taking a fry and biting the end of it, I raise my eyebrows "What face?" "That face, the one that you make when you like someone" she giggles and I glance to my side, he's already staring at me so I look away quickly. "You're making it so obvious, I know it's the new kid, I mean who wouldn't-" I put my hand up with wide eyes "Shhh!" She laughs "Go talk to him, will ya?" I lean forward "I probably shouldn't" she grabs my hand and ushers me up "Go" she smiles and I roll my eyes, walking over anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2016 ⏰

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