My Hidden Secrets

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My name is lizianne brooks, I'm 16,

I go to Westfield High School.

My life has been a complete disaster even since my dad apparently had an affair with my aunt (my mums sister) they divorced. Now were living alone just the two of us. I know my dad is still looking for ANOTHER woman since his "relationship" with my aunt didn't go so well in the end.

So basically I'm stuck here with my lonely dad . At least school is alright. I've had a lot of problems fitting in to begin with and that's because I looked in a right state i was involved in a car accident last year with my idiotic boyfriend ,Eddie Julian, he's 18. "Yes I know the age difference I'm not stupid!" But I love him so I don't care. My dad says he's "dangerous" and "not my type" what does he know about love anyway he can't even get a girl. "no offence dad".

So basically that's my past.

Since then I've kept a lot of secrets from my parents and my boyfriend, nearly everyone I know including my best friend Leigh-Anne Andrews. I know everyone usually tells their best friend EVERYTHING but my secrets are way too personal to share with anyone. It's not that I don't trust anyone,cause I do, but its too risky to let anyone know what's going on so I just hide, it's easier for all of us.

On my way to school... I saw Eddie with some girls from my history class, it was obvious those girls would be there they have been trying to get close to Eddie since year 7.To be honest I wasn't really in the mood for anything or anyone so I quickly tried to avoid them by sneaking passed everyone like a secret spy like the one in movies but only a super cute one. It was hard since everyone wouldn't stop moving, it was almost impossible but I got there in the end. Unfortunately I was caught out by my annoying , self-centred friend, Amethyst O'Sullivan, she's a right b***h, always getting on my nerves but I think I've learnt to live with it. Lucky girl I would have bust her brains out if i had the chance . As I approached my wanna-be best friends I started think "can I actually trust any of these people?" But then I thought "nahhhh"

I finally got there without trying to run away "typical I would have legged that sh*t". Anyway Eddie tried to give me one of his cheeky LONG kisses honestly like I said before I really wasn't in the mood. So i dodged it. I could see that one of the girls there obviously didn't like the fact he tried to kiss me so I think I did her a favour.

After a LONG conversation with no meaning what's so ever, not be rude but it was a complete waste of my time literally. Anyway I decided to see my French teacher after school, Mr John Smith, he is so hot like a Hollywood Star but even hotter. I just needed help on my assay since there are A lOT of distractions at home. I could have asked my friends but they're dumb like hell knows if they even have a brain in that massive head.

Mr John Smith was acting strange today, he seemed more interested in my body then my work, don't blame him I'm like a hottie anyway so I tried to keep my distance but it didn't work at all instead he ended up getting closer and closer. I honestly didn't know what to do whether I should leave because I really needed some help or avoid him trying to come any closer.

He realised what I was doing and grabbed me and started kissing me and touching me in places you wouldn't imagine but the only thing I could do to make him stop was give one of my HARD slaps so I did but in an instance I knew he didn't like it so he slapped me back but harder. Many people would take this as abuse but I take it as war. Who does he think I am some kind of sl*t.

After some moments of endless breathing, Mr John Smith thought I was a feisty one and apparently he liked feisty. I felt dizzy after he slapped me since it was actually the hardest slap I've ever got, it was so hard my father slaps seem weak. I guess i had no choice but to run and run far. I'm one of the fastest girls in my year so I have a advantage, when the chance came I grabbed it, I dashed out the door ,hurting my ankle, I ran so fast that I was nearly the speed of a cheetah which was good for me. After a while my ankle started to hurt a lot it started to sting so I stopped to take off my shoe and saw that my leg was all swelled up. Around the corner I heard Mr John running towards where I was lying. I was terrified as he finally approached me slowly, I've just noticed the gun and rope in his hands. I thought to myself "next time I need help with my assay I'll go to the library."

He was looking at me in this way I didn't understand I thought he was going to kill me, "trust me I thought wrong" all he said was "your coming with me whether you like it or not!" Ugh like I even had a choice. He tied the rope around my hands and legs and carried me away to his car. I know for a fact that if other girls are in this situation they would scream for help but for me it's a different story, you see I don't like yelling gives me a headache so instead I was trying to hit him but it was no use I was to weak and tired, I blame the teachers they couldn't teach a fun lesson to save mankind.

While I was in his car I could smell something bad it smelt like dog sh*t turns it Mr John farted. ugh hasn't he got manners as he can see I'm a woman in distress I have a right to just because I've been kidnapped doesn't mean you have to suffocate me to death. Anyway I asked him "where are you taking me sir?" and he replied "my house" I was actually very scared at that time that I started to cry, it was that bad that it made me cry, I should listen to myself more often I knew these history teachers couldn't be trusted the way they give out homework is just wrong.

There was nothing I could do but then I just happened to notice that the car door wasn't locked "YES!!!! now I can go home and eat" trust me I was starving so when he wasn't looking i'll could quickly open the door and escape but i'll have to remove the ropes first that it self was going to be hard he couldn't take his eyes off me for some apparent reason which was so creepy. Finally I had my chance 'I tricked him by telling him to tie his laces to buy more time even though he wasn't wearing any but he still looked just then I happened to notice a small blade in his jacket pocket so I slowly moved slightly further to reach I could see he was getting a bit curious but then he thought I liked the fact we were going to get very comfortable "HELL NO!!!" I finally grabbed hold of it turns out to be a knife but I still used it I quickly cut the rope and then I tried to distract him with the shoelace trick "yes I know that's the OLDEST trick in the book, but it still worked out." I swear he so dumb so like I said I grabbed my chance I open the door and jumped out. I hurt myself a lot but all that mattered was getting myself to home to the kitchen, I was in luck my house wasn't far from where I was however I had to get there quickly because it won't be long until he realises I'm gone so I ran home and banged on the door so hard that my hand was bleeding. After a LONG time my lazy father finally decided to get out of bed and open the door he wasn't happy since interrupted his sleep like I give a damn. He didn't even say "hi" or where have you been this late at night all he said was " Whats the f**k is wrong with I'm trying to sleep and here you are banging on the door, do you want to continue living here? then I suggest that you come home early!" I muttered under my breath "like that's gonna happen" well it clearly wasn't under my breath because he heard and then he slapped me and it really hurt I was kneeling on the floor as my dad decided to kick me , punch me , he also got his belt and started whacking me so hard. i was in tears as i was laying on the floor once again, its like routine for my dad, every time Lizianne goes to school give her a good Beating and do the same when she comes back. Many of you guys might run upstairs to your room but not like me the first thing on my mind was some of my aunts finest chicken"yum." Even though I was in pain nothing could stop me from eating.

The following day I decided enough was enough and that i had to move out it wasn't an easy decision but I've thought it through and I'm moving out, I bet your all wondering where ill go but as you may Leigh-Anne said I can stay with her. I've been planning this since mum left just didn't have the courage to do it, now I do.

My dad wasn't really happy with and I could tell he just kept swearing at me and kicking my bags, I was holding a picture of our family I was with my mum and dad, we looked so happy together. In that photo I could see that my mum was pregnant with my sister but unfortunately she had a miscarriage and lost her so there stuck with me.

My dad noticed I was holding that picture so he grabbed it of me smashed the glass and got of his lighter and burned the photo I was devestated at the fact he didn't care all the more to leave him, so I did I packed my bags and opened the door to make my exit although you may think I would have said bye but nope all I did was put my middle finger up and left quickly didn't want him to come after me. In a hurry I went to Leigh-Anne's house I was in a rush because I didn't want anyone to spot me and make such a fuss and I didn't want Mr John to see me just in case he tries the same thing again.

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