Chapter 25

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Hello and welcome to another chapter! I hope you all are doing well. Have fun ~♡

Alfred looked down at the panting wolf as he layed on his stomach and tried to regain his strength slowly.

Alfred had to admit that Arthur was a very beautiful wolf. Light blond shaggy fur, a cute fluffy tail that Alfred couldn't wait to play with, his right ear was pointed while his left was folded, and he still had his eyebrows. Made sense, since Alfred kept his cowlick and Matthew his curl.

Alfred moved up to sit next to the Brit. He leaned down and nuzzled his wet nose into Arthur fluffy cheek. The wolf whimpered and opend his eyes weakly.

"Are you feeling alright?"

"I feel tiered and a light bit hurt... but other then that I should be fine." Alfred helped the shaggy wolf sit up. Alfred's tail wagged when the wolf stood up. He leaned down, his front touching the floor while his lower half stayed up.

"You look beautiful Arthur!" He said excitedly, Arthur let out a relaxed breath and smiled. He slowly felt that his energy was coming back and he felt happy to see Alfred so exited. Alfred moved back up and licked Arthur. 

"I do?"

"You do... so beautiful." Alfred's licks moved down to his neck.

"You smell good Alfred." Alfred stopped and looked up. He smiled and sat back down.

"That's because your senses are stronger. Up until now you were half a werewolf but now that you actually changed you're a full werewolf." Arthur looked down at his big paws and smiled softly.

"Now are we going to your pack?"

"Yeah, we gotta take you to Scarlet so you could be part of the pack."


Arthur never knew being a wolf would feel so... free.

As he ran through the forest by Alfred's side, feeling the wind in his fur, the forest floor under his paws, it all felt so free.

"I'm not running too fast for you am I?"

"No,I'm fine."

The two ran through the thick trees until they made it to the den of the wolf pack.

Arthur stopped when he sow the other wolves, he felt nervous as the other wolves looked at him. His pointed ear went flat and he lowered his head as they looked at him.

"Arthur?" The shaggy wolf lifted his head to see a dark brown wolf with green eyes.

"Antonio is that you?"

"Sì, but look at you! You look wonderful!" Arthur noticed a wolf behind Antonio. The wolf had lighter fur then the Spaniard but he had green eyes just like him.

"Who's that?"

"Oh right! This is Lovino he's my mate." The wolf behind him just huffed but stayed quiet.

"So the pup finally did it hum?" Arthur heard yet another familiar voice.

"Hello Francis."

"I can't believe you're a werewolf now."

"I hope you're not harassing my mate." Alfred came up to the three and sat down next to Arthur.

"Arthur." The four wolfs turned to see Scarlet. Arthur swallowed as he looked at the red Alpha. She looked him up and down before she stood infront of him. Francis and Antonio back up to give Alfred and Arthur enough room. Arthur looked around to see the other wolves stopped what they were doing and were looking at them.

"So you two actually did it..."

"Scarlet I know what your going to say and i-"

"I'm sorry. What I did to you was wrong. But you are now Alfred's mate and as his mate you will be in my pack. Now show me your loyalty."

Arthur looked at her for a moment before he leaned down and lower his head as a way of showing her he want a threat to her or the pack.

"Good, well then Arthur Kirkland, welcome to the pack." Scarlet smiled and moved even closer to Arthur before she stopped. Arthur looked up at her in confusion and when she wasn't looking at him he moved back up.

"Mathew." She said cold at the Canadian wolf. Mathew staired at Arthur then smiled.

Arthur and the other wolves noticed the foreign smell immediately. Alfred moved to be closer to Arthur and the other wolves became more alert. From the border of forest just outside the wolves den stood a wolf. His white fur swayed in the wind and his red eyes could be seen from a distance.

"I have something to tell you Alpha."

AN- That's it for this one. As always thank you for the support and for liking the story so much. Thank you for reading ~♡

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