Chapter 21

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Hello and welcome! I hope you're all having a wonderful week, have fun ~♡

A week passed and before the three of them knew it it was time for Alistair to leave. The three drove to the airport talking the whole way about the rings and they're family's.

"Alright you two, looks like this is it." Alistair picked up his language.

"Looks like it is. It was nice to meet you, and it was fun to fight with you. I owe you one for that so don't hesitate to ask for a favour." Alfred said with a bright smile.

"Get home safe Alistair, tell your brothers I said hello."

"Will do dog, and take care of the caileag. And call me when you change into a werewolf." Arthur folded his arms and frowned while Alfred waved Alistair off. A couple of minutes later Alfred turned to Arthur.

"What dose caileag mean?"


Alfred and Arthur were enjoying a nice day out, walking through the park as the Sun shined brightly in the sky.

The park was empty, but seeing as today was the middle of the week they didn't expect anyone to be here anyways.

Alfred enjoyed the quiet of the park, listening to the sounds of nature and having the Brit leaning on his shoulder as he relaxed. Alfred smiled as he looked at Arthur. He ran his fingers through Arthur's hair and chuckled when Arthur smiled.

"Sorry, were you sleeping?" Arthur shook his head and move to sit up.

"I was relaxing, but I almost fell asleep." He covered his mouth as he yawned.

"If you want you could sleep or we could had back?" Arthur shook his head again and got up.

"On a beautiful day like this?" He starched out his arms to emphasize his point. Alfred smiled and closed his eyes as he enjoyed the Sun's warmth on his face.

"Alfred, could you go get some water for me?" Arthur took out his wallet but was stopped when Alfred placed his hands over Arthur's.

"It's fine, it's just water! I'll do it."

"I can pay for my own water thank you very much." He frowned and huffed playfully, Alfred laughed and placed a quick kiss on Arthur's lips before running off.

He came back a couple of minutes later hummimg happily with two water bottles in his hands until he stopped and narrowed his eyes.

Arthur was standing completely still as a woman held him tightly. One of her slim hands was on Arthur's neck while her other hand was holding the Brit close by his waist.

"Alfred I presume?"

"I can't smell you. Are you a vampire?" She smiled and nodded and her grip on Arthur's neck loosed. She ran her long bony finger up and down Arthur's neck; Alfred watched her movement careful. His grip on the water bottles tightening as he gave a low growl.

"Aren't you a smart cookie. You would know that, you and your red headed hunter friend are the one who killed my husband."

"He attack us."

"It doesn't matter. You had no right to kill him. You had the rings, you could have knocked him out... so as a treat just for you." Before Alfred could even blink the vampire open her mouth and bit down on Arthur's neck. He screamed in pain as his blood flowed out into her mouth and down her chin. He struggled to get away but just as quickly as he bit him she released him, letting Arthur fall to the floor with a loud thump.

"I'll take away your love as you took away mine. He'll either die from the change or turn into a vampire."

AN- That's it for this one! I hope it was ok, as you can tell by now I like cliffhangers. Thank you for reading ~♡

caileag- Little girl. (I hope that's right, I'm not 100% sure. So if it's not don't yell at me!)

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