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Its always been like that for her since she was five years old, he family never paid attention to her. She was treated as if she was nothing but some gum under their shoe. In someways she was okay with it it gave her time to think about other things it gave her time to learn different things on her own without being some helpless girl. At the age of five to twelve she was being ignored at the age of thirteen her parents started bullying her verbally calling her a disappointment useless and worthless. She tried different ways to relieve her anger she started street fighting, it was good, a year later she started getting bullied at school because she was smart. Street fighting was helping anymore, she was good at it better than any one who dared to challenge her she found it way too easy and not challenging anymore so she joined a gang. They the most wanted gang in the country. After a while, whist still with the gang she met a guy. No, he wasn't part of her gang. He was the only person the wolf who understood her, he tried to make her leave behind the gang life but she didn't. Even with that he still stuck up to her, months later he asked her to be his girl, he treated her like a princess just the way she was supposed to be treated like.  As the bullying got worse at school and home her killing worsened too. Soon though, she gave in into her boyfriend's pleading and stopped it all,  all the drugs all the money she stopped it. The bullying didn't though. One day she promised her self she would try to fit in she would try to make her family happy just for once.

She woke up earlier then everyone that day with a smile on her face she went to the kitchen and started making breakfast, she made pancakes for her brothers, salad for her sister and she made bacon and eggs for her parents she made a little more of everything in case they wanted to share. 6 am sharp her parents came down the stairs ready to start their new day.

"good morning mama, good morning papa" she greeted them with so much enthusiasm in her voice but what she got in reply wasn't really what she had hoped for.

"what the fuck are you doing in my kitchen you worthless piece of crap, haven't I told you are not welcome anywhere in this house other than your sorry excuse of a room?" he father yelled throwing punches at her she fell but he didn't seem to care so kept going, even with the yelling still going on she could hear her siblings coming down to see what was the yelling about.

"What has the waste of pace done now?" her older brother Mark had asked. Believe or not they all forgot her name even when they try tell other people her name they make something up but she had a name, a name that no did not fit her at all. With all the demons on her back all the shows following her all her innocence she had thrown away, she did not deserve such name. Angel. Angel Nevaeh Saint. Do you see it now. Angel then Neveah spelled backwards its heaven then Saint. Does it fit for her to be called that?

"she came into my kitchen and made her poisonous breakfast" her mother spat at her

"gosh why didn't you throw her in the dump when you gave birth to her ?" he sister Samantha had asked.

I wonder about that every single day too, she thought to herself

"I don't know too" the mother replied "just get out of here I don't ever want to see your face again do you hear me peasant ?"  she added

"yes ma'am" Angel replied with tears steaming down her face

That's the day when she started, she found pleasure in doing so she also found release, she started cutting.

When Kristy, her mother, had sent her to her room she found her sharpener and demolished it taking the little razor blade that was there and started cutting two cuts each arm, seconds later she was smiling like a fool on that got the answer right for the first time.

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