Murderers 3

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When Sean saw the message he knew that some thing was wrong, the last time he had gotten a text like that was she was going on a suicide mission when she was still part of the gang. So without a second thought he got up took his bag and sprinted to the parking lot, he got to his car without even fastening the seat-belt on he drove to her so called home. He drove faster than he ever did  before.

When he reached her place the front door was open, he heard the water running, he stormed into the bathroom and his heart just started pounding rapidly.   He puts her arm around his shoulder, he's just trying lean her back up yelling out her name as he lays her beside the bathtub he felt like his whole world just took a hit from a biggest mountain there is. Shuffling he got a hold of his cellphone a called the ambulance,  he was just glad there was still a pulse on her.

'911 what's you emergency?'

'm-my girlfriend she...she... s-she tried to commit suicide, there is still a pulse, please hurry up. S-she is my everything I cant lose her'

'Sir I need you to cal down for me, th-'

'calm down? do you what it feels to have your taken away from you ma'am? instead of the telling me to calm down just send the ambulance before its to late please here is the address Paul Saint, 932 destiny lane, rosewood PA 45781' he ended the call. He looked down at the girl he had loved from day one looking at the person who made him who he is right now, the only person who brought the best in him. 

"please baby girl don't leave me just yet, I need you baby, you are my everything, you cant just leave me here. Without you, the monster within me will rise up again baby girl you are the only one who tame him. without you baby girl my life is not worth living. I live just for you, for us so don't you dare leave me behind" 

He lift his head up when he heard the ambulance. 'they must have been close' he thought to himself. He looked around her room only to come across three letters, he let her body rest on the floor took the three letters put them inside is bag then went back to Angel. 

Feeling mad angry like somebody's led her onto this her eyeballs are rolling, drifting out of consciousness.Thinking to himself why the hell did she just stop at will, the tears just keep on rolling as they head to the hospital, paramedics rush her in, the doctor calls emergency , she lost a lot of blood.

"sir we just have to wait we don't know if she will make it, right now I suggest you go home and change have something to eat son, drive safely" the doctor said walking out

with angry strides he walked to his car drove back to her house where he found her so called family looking confused with the decoration boxes on the floor, the caution tape and the police officers indie the house. He walked to them and started clapping his hands getting the attention of everyone in the room.

"Well done. You finally did it. Go on celebrate, she finally gave up on life, on ME. Because of you she might not make it, because of you the world might lose the best person that ever walked on this land because of you the world lost a hero." tears streaming down his face but he did not seem to care at the moment "you called her worthless and useless. Did you know that when she was in a gang-which really isn't a gang cause they only got the bad guys and put them to jail and only killed the bad guys when it was necessary- she put three of the most wanted criminals in jail?" they gasped at the revelation, even some of the police officers gasped because no one really knew how the criminals got there, they just found them the next day knocked out and cuffed "did you know she stopped a building from being robbed and exploded?" he asked once again" you called her a disappointment but i am sure as hell that she achieved many things in life, more than you will even do. Did you know that she tried to suicide not only once but several times because her family hated her, no matter how many times she tried to be a good daughter but you were too blinded to noticed that. do you know what that makes you? All of you that bullied her? That makes you MURDERERS. You MURDER someone today because you were so blinded by who knows what to see her heart, you were so blinded by your stupid egos to see what a great person she actually was... and you Samantha, you called her and embarrassment? Why? Because she doesn't dress like a hooker? because she has self respect, because she knew her body was gold only the ones that work hard got to have it? Let me tell you something man in the world likes it when his woman shows off her body to the world and leaves nothing for imagination. No man likes to stay with someone who has no self respect. They might sleep with you but that is it, they wont respect you like a woman should, they will not love you..... such a waste of beauty with a personality like that. Now because of you she is there fighting for life" his tears were running like a Victoria falls.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2017 ⏰

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