Hello Time,
Nice to finally speak with you.
I've seen you in clocks,
and phone screens.
You seem to elude us all,
With your numbers and numerals
Prancing across the universe.
You are infinite in your own expanse
But for each individual only a short amount of time.Some say you are relative.
Some say that "Time is eternity for those who wait"
But I know the truth Time-If we wait...you will only become wasted.
I am but a stepping stone in your big plan, Time.
I am a fraction of the universe smaller than a grain of sand, and yes I will change lives in your name,
In Loves name,
and in Deaths name.
But Time? You are as Temporary as you are Infinite.People waste you on fake Love.
People waste you on things, objects, matter.Instead of spending you on laughter, on tears, on souls.
You, Love, and Death all seem to be found at every corner,
We find Love in words,
We find Death in people,
We find Time in...well we don't.You are the unique one of the bunch,
We cannot find you,
and I am ANGRY
with you Time.Stop being my center of attention so I can focus on Love.
Stop mattering so much to me because when you matter to me I waste you,
I worry about you,
Instead of living my life to the fullest.I think "Oh I'll do that when I'm older"
Or "When I have enough money"
But I don't stop to think that if I spend so much of my life with wasted time it will be exactly that.Wasted.
I want you to release me from your prison Time, I want you to give me Love's freedom,
Because without Love I can't find adventure and yes you may heal the pain of Death
But you are the employer of Death in the first place.Actually...now that I think about it? You technically don't exist at all. You are a construct that we have created because of the distance between "Time Zones" and now we are your slave.
So now I'm going to become the Emancipation Proclamation and get the hell
away from your conformity.