Chapter Seven

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Isabelle and Scott sat on a desk at the police station.
"Thank you two for waiting." Their father said.
"It's okay. It's not like we're going to be going to school tomorrow." Scott replied.
"Unfortunately, I'm going to have to drive back to San Francisco tonight. I'll need to do a review at the field office. But I'll be back as soon as I can. I might have to miss the first game of the season."
"It's no big deal." Scott stated.
"It is to me. I'm keeping my promises this time. What I did, it was necessary. Justifiable. You know that, right?"
"Have you done it before?" Isabelle asked, referring to her father shooting a man to save Stiles.
"Two other times. It's not easy, taking a man's life, even someone who forces you to do it."
"How do you deal with it?" Scott asked.
"You look at it logically. Without emotion. You compartmentalize."
"How do you do that?" Isabelle asked.
"I used to do it by drinking," Rafe pulled his children into a hug, kissing his daughter's forehead before letting go. "One more thing. When I do come back, we have to talk about some stuff. You and your friends, the way you guys handle things, it doesn't seem to faze you like it should. It's like you guys know something I don't. When I come back, I'd like to be in the know."

Isabelle stood at the table with Scott, Stiles, Kira, and Liam.
"Is three enough?" Kira questioned.
"Depends on how many cameras they have." Isabelle said.
"But I think so." Stiles finished for her.
"Are we really doing this?" Liam asked.
"We're doing it. Tonight." Scott replied.
"But isn't it kind of dangerous?" Liam asked.
"Yeah, it's incredibly dangerous. And borderline idiotic." Stiles replied.
"Have you guys ever done something like this before?" Liam asked.
"Something dangerous? Or something idiotic?" Stiles asked.
"I think it's a yes to both." Isabelle replied, crossing her arms.
"You don't have to be a part of it if you don't want to." Scott said.
"I'm not scared."
"Then you're borderline idiotic." Stiles said, putting a hand on Liam's shoulder.
"If we do this, we don't know what's coming for us. You know that, right?" Isabelle asked her brother.
"How do we even know something is definitely coming?" Kira asked.
"Because the tape from Garrett's bag said visual confirmation is required." Scott replied.
"Simon said the same thing. He couldn't get paid by The Benefactor until he had proof you guys were dead." Stiles said.
"So the idea is, what if you kill someone on the dead pool but you can't send proof?" Scott asked.
"You don't get paid." Kira replied.
"But how does that get us any closer to The Benefactor?" Liam asked.
"He still needs to know if the target is really dead." Isabelle relies, looking at her brother who nodded.
"Especially if it's someone high on the list." Stiles said.
"So if he wants visual confirmation...." Liam trailed.
"He's gonna have to come get it himself." Scott said, Isabelle and Stiles fist bumped at their idea.

"Are you guys totally sure about this?" Liam asked, pacing in Scott's room.
"I think Liam's nervous. Maybe you should tell him it's going to be alright." Kira said.
"It's going to be alright." Scott said, but mainly addressing it to Kira
"So, you've done this before, right?" Liam asked.
"I've seen it done." Mrs. Yukimura said.
"Is that just as good?" Liam stuttered.
"No." Mrs. Yukimura replied.
"Mom, you're not inspiring confidence." Kira said.
"Good, this is a terrible idea." Her mother replied.
"Do you want us to do it without you?" Kira asked.
"Put your hand over his heart." Kira's mother instructed, Kira nodded and nearly put her hand over Scott's heart until he stopped her.
"Hold on. What happens while I'm out? Am I going to feel anything?" Scott asked.
"It might feel like you're dreaming."
"Good dreams or bad?"
"I suppose that depends on you."

Melissa walked into the morgue of the hospital.
"Mom." Isabelle said, going over to the woman and hugged her.
"I still hate this plan. I mean, this is pretty significantly terrifying. He looks dead." Melissa said.
"Give me your hand." Mrs. Yukimura said, making Melissa look at her daughter and Stiles.
"It's okay." Stiles whispers, Melissa put her hand out for Mrs. Yukimura to take and she placed it over Scott's heart.
"Wait for it." Mrs. Yukimura said.
"Is that enough to keep a werewolf alive?"
"Enough for an alpha." 
Isabelle moved to the other side of Scott, examining his face, Liam had placed a comforting arm around her.
"How much time do we have?" Isabelle asked.
"Forty five minutes." Mrs. Yukimura replied.
"What happens after that?" Melissa asks.
"I bring him back the same way." Kira replied.
"No, I mean, what happens if he stays like this longer than forty-five minutes?"
"No one told her?"
"What? What happens after forty five minutes."
"Mom, he dies."

Isabelle stood in a room with Kira, Liam, and Stiles, looking at the security cameras they had hacked into.
"Is it supposed to look like that?" Liam questions, at the staticky camera.
"No. No it's not." Stiles replied.
"Where is that?" Kira asked.
"The roof." Isabelle said.
"Someone's gonna have to go check it out." Stiles started.
"I'll go." Kira said.
"Whoa, whoa. This might not just be a malfunction." Stiles said.
"That's why I'm bringing this." Kira said, referring to her badass katana.
"I'm coming with you!" Liam said, following after her.
"Okay, and you're both coming right back. Immediately," Stiles sighs. "Kids."

Isabelle stood in the morgue with Stiles as he tried to get ahold of Argent.
"Come on, come on. Answer the phone. Answer the phone, Argent. Come on, Argent, answer the phone. Why are you not answering the phone?" Stiles panicked, Argent fell through the door seconds later.
"I was right. Stiles, Isabelle, get out of here." Chris says.
The doors to the morgue open and Kate enters, Stiles and Isabelle look at each other, worriedly.
"Get out of the way. I'm taking the body." Kate says.
"Why? Visual confirmation?" Stiles asks.
"Don't worry, handsome. I'm not The Benefactor."
"Then what do you want with the body?" Chris asks, pushing Isabelle behind him.
"I wish I could tell you," Kate started but Chris managed to take out his gun and put it against her. "I always forget you carry two."

"Back off!" Chris exclaimed
"You sure you can pull the trigger fast enough?"
"You're not going to kill me." Kate said
"I'm not going to let you take his body."
"Okay, well, obviously, you guys have a lot to talk about, so, maybe I saw some coffee, a vending machine outside." Stiles said
"Listen to me, Kate. We have a plan."
"If killing Scott was part of it, you're worse than me."
"He's telling the truth. We're trying to get to The Benefactor." Stiles said.
"If you didn't notice, you're on that list too. And you're worth more than most."
"That's why I'm here."
"Then back off and let us do what we planned. Take the Berserkers, and go. Kate, please. We have a plan." Chris said.

Isabelle stood over Scott's body with Argent, Kira, and Stiles. Stiles had his arm wrap around Isabelle as Kira brought Scott back for comfort.
"What happened? Did it work?" Scott asked.
Liam walked into the morgue.
"What?" Kira asked.
"It's your mother. She's hurt."

Isabelle was ready to walk out of the hospital until Liam took her hand and pulled her in the different direction.
"Where are you taking me, Dunbar?" Isabelle asked.
"Someone I'd like you to officially meet, McCall."
"Liam, I'm tired, can't thi-"
"Dad, this is Isabelle. Isabelle, this is my dad, well, stepdad but you know."
"Hi, nice to meet you." The doctor said, reaching his hand out.
"It's nice to meet you too but handshakes are too formal for my liking." Isabelle said, hugging the man. "And thank you, for trying to save Scott." Isabelle smiled.
"It's my job. Now it is this young man's job to make sure you get home safely."
"See ya later dad." Liam said, taking Isabelle's hand and pulling her away.

Liam walked the distance to the McCall house with Isabelle.
"I know this'll sound weird, but do you mind staying over?" Isabelle asked.
"I would love to, angel. Show me the way." Liam said, softly
Isabelle and Liam walked into her room.
"I have a pair of Scott's pajama pants, if you want." Isabelle offered, Liam nodded his head, Isabelle handed him the pants and pointed towards the bathroom. Liam returned shortly after, seeing Isabelle already laying on the bed, he crawled in next to her and kissed her head. Isabelle turned into her bedside lamp off and laid her head on Liam's chest, Liam rubbed circles on her back until she fell asleep.
"I'm gonna make you mine, angel, just wait."

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