New Years

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"(y/n), love are you almost ready? We should really get going before it gets anymore dangerous." Harry stated as you finished applying the last of your make up before nodding, a smile on your face. "Sure thing babe." You replied before Harry's hand laced with yours and pulled you towards the front of the flat. Today was December 31 and it was the last day of 2013. Tomorrow would be the new year-the year in which Harry wanted to make you his. As Harry drove to the party Zayn and Perrie were throwing, his hand stayed laced with yours. The next few hours were quite fun and such a rush but nothing compared to the New Years kiss you received. Watching the ball in NYC drop, you were giddy with excitement. "3-2-1!" Cheers erupted-even from you before Harry's lips crashed against yours." Happy New Year's babe." Harry muttered softly in your ear.


"Lou, please be careful popping those!" You warned as Louis lit a black cat with a lighter before throwing it away from him. Jumping when the high pitched sound began Louis laughed hysterically. "Sorry love, didn't know it would scare you!" Louis shouted over the black cat and other fireworks that were being exploded. Rolling your eyes before his arms wrapped around your waist. "It's almost New Year's (y/n). This is pretty insane right?" Louis whispered as you watched the fireworks color against the black velvet of the sky. "To think that two years ago we didn't even know each other is insane." You replied before many other fireworks exploded all at once. It had given you both a sign that it was finally the New Year. Pressing your lips against Louis' after you turned around, he held you to him tightly. "Happy New Years love. I can't wait to see what will happen"  Louis said with excitement.


"Payne, hurry up or you'll be late for your own show." Paul rushed the young star away from you leaving you alone. With a sigh you and Eleanor held hands and walked to the show that was about to start with Perrie following. It was New Years and Modest! had signed the boys for a gig at NYC, leaving you and El and Perrie alone for when the ball dropped. "This sucks." El grumbled as you nodded with agreement. "It sure does. I swear, modest! wants to pisses us off by taking our boyfriend's away." Perrie snorted before her eyes landed on Zayn who was the first to enter on stage. "Yea, tell me about it." Feeling even worse for Perrie considering Zayn was her fiancee she couldn't even spend time with him. As the show started and the ball began to drop, the boys smiled happily. "I just want to say Happy New Years to everyone and I love you (y/n)!" Liam shouted causing the crowd to scream. Perrie smiled as El grinned as each of their boyfriend's did the same. Even though you couldn't get your New Years kiss, Liam had something cheeky for you later on.( a/n (; if ya know what I mean)


Jumping as a round of fireworks went off simultaneously Theo's cries became louder. Greg holding Theo to his body frantically as he tried to calm his son down quickly. Niall on the other hand was dancing with sparklers with a huge smile on his face before he winked at you. Your cheeks flushing as you watched your handsome Irish man. "Want one, (y/n)?" Niall asked before he handed you a sparkler before you could even speak. Now you smile before you heard the party around you begin to scream the countdown. The sparklers dying down as Niall held you close just before the clock hit zero. His lips meeting yours softly and full of passion.


Helping Trisha out with the food, Zayn, Waliyha, Doniya and Safaa made sure the party was going as it should be. It was your decision to have you New Years at Zayn's because you haven't seen his family for awhile and you missed them. "(y/n), can you help Zayn with those streamers that seemed to have him tangled up?" Trisha asked as you put the drinks down to see your boyfriend engulfed with fallen streamer tangled around him. Laughing loudly, you made you way to your stressed and embarrassed boyfriend. "(y/n), stop laughing at me. This isn't funny, babe." Zayn whined as you slowly unraveled him. "Of course it is, babe." You teased before Zayn ripped through the streamers and pressed you into a kiss. It took you a second to realize that it was finally midnight and Zayn had stolen his kiss.

hey babes, I just want to say thank you for all the reads! This book is #13, and with 200 votes!!! I CANT THANK Y'ALL ENOUGH IM SO PROUD!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!

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