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F/s favorite sweet
Today we're going to minecon, I'm really excited to see everything there. We have to a walk there because it's close to where we are staying. We walk togather there. We pass by many thing one the way, we saw a Japanese restuarn,a candy store and a baker. 
Y/n) mowwy could get me something from the baker please *puppy face*
Aphmau) sure we can,eren do you want something too.
Eren) yes please
 Mommy ,eren and I went inside the baker. 
Baker boy) welcome to Sweet Palace,what can I do for you today
Aphmau) can I have a   cupcake please
Baker boy) sure *grab the the cupcakes* eventhing else.
Aphmau) eren and y/n what you two want
Eren) I'll have chocolate chip cookie please
Y/n) I'll have f/s please.
Baker boy) ok 
Aphmau pay the baker and pass out the our bread.
We  ate  our bread while  we heading toward minecon.
 Y/n) mmmmmhmm
Eren) yup y/n this is the best cookie ever.
Aphmau boys your acting to cute it's hard not hug you. 
I ran toward mom and gave her a hug and eren follow to.
Aphmau) awww you two are so sweet
Eren and y/n) thank you mommy.
We continue our journal and finally we made it. The building was huge and colorful. It's look like a rainbow on the ground.
Y/n) it's so pretty
Eren) it sure is.
Aphmau) yeah it's is,come on boys we have meet the guy inside. When we got inside we saw a lot of people. I got scary but eren notice that and grab my hand and said don't worry I'm here. We continue to walk with mom. I noticed a lot people were with there friends.
Y/n' s pov
I miss my best friend. He was always by my side, him and I were really close. We use play togather until Sun came down.  I miss him,  we couldn't be friend because our care taker though friends were not important so she ban use from see each other  but we  still seeing each other. But one day we were caught, see lock in separate rooms. After a few hour see open and say pack my things I begin relocation to orphanage. I ask why but she didn't tell me. The next morning I was outside waiting to be pick up. I was sad and crying because  yesterday was last time we saw him. I continue to cry until I heard a voice
???) Y/n!!!
I turn around to see silas run toward me
Y/n) silas it's great to see you but what are doing out here?
Silas) I came say bye to my best friends . 
Y/n ) silas...
We gave each other a big hug.
Silas) I brought you something'
Silas gave me a small box , inside I was  necklace  with music note
I said thanks you to silas and put on. 
Silas show me his part of  necklace
My part was music note  while his cresent moon. 
He said this our symbol, he showed me that it's fit together.
After that I heard  a sound heard at the front door, I told salias she coming. He gave one last hug and hide in the bushes  
 The people came and that last time I saw sailas
Pov ends
Time skip by baby eren
  Aphmau) guy were here
When we're with my mom friends sitting a table infront of a large number of chairs.
Y/n) why are we siting in front of group of chairs
Sky) you haven't told yet
Eren) what is talking about mom
Aphmau)  kids,I have something tell you that's important.
Y/n) what is it?
Aphmau) I'm a YouTuber that's play minecraft and the other are too.
Y/n) ok what's that
Mom told me that she make videos for fun and post on YouTube for whole world see. 
Y/n) ohhh that's why you  and everyone else sometimes busy to play with us
Jason) yeah that's right
Mudkip) we sitting here because we going answer question from our fans.
​​​​​​eren) that' why everyone was in a hurry
Ssundee) yeah  
 We wait for a  bit and people toke a seat infront of us.
Aphmau) hey guy jess here, welcome to q/a panel with
Sky) with me skydoesminecraft
Ssundee)  don't forget lovely ssundee
Jason) I'm Bruno the owner klub ice  , just kidding I'm minecraftuniverse here
Qutein) husky mudkip here
Jerome) the knights in fluffy armor, it's me, sir Jerome 
Mitch) I'm Bajan Canadian or  call me the hunger games champion
Aphmau) before we start I special boys I want you too meet. Mom walk toward and said this eren and y/n there kids that adopt. 
Aphmau) why don't you say hello
Eren) hi I'm eren and this my little brother y/n
Y/n) h-hi
????) Awww his so cute
Aphmau) ok let's q/a panel begin.
???) I have question for aphmau
Aphmau) ok
???) Who think goat like more you or Barney
Aphmau) goat like me more because we got Olivia garden once two week.
Sky) next question
???) Sky  Would rather married to Ross or breadsticks
Sky) hmmmm I chose bread sticks because  it's  match made in heaven
While question be ask I start getting tired, mudkip notice and sat on his lap. I fell asleep.
Timeskip by sky being chase by a breadsticks
The panel was over  and everyone left.  Mom told us we look around but try to  near her. Eren and i walk around we saw many people and a lot of people dress up  like minecraft mob. Everything was breathing taking to look at  like giant bunny and giant creeper. We continued in til is someone i don't ever  want to see. I ran away from eren and kept on running. Sadly the person saw me and starts to chase me. i continue to ran intil i  was trapped in a corner. 
????) Well well,  looked what we have here, lost kid.
y/n ) what are going to do to me. 
???) What i should done long ago. 
I was scared,  i don't want to die,please someone help. 
???? 2) Stay away from him creepy  
i saw a boy tackle the man and grab me and toke of.
We continued to run intil we were sure we lost him.
When  look at my saver face he"s looks familiar.
???) It's been a long  time y/n  
the voice sounds so familiar wait i can't be.
 Y/n ) Silas is it really you 
Silas) it's me.
I gave him a tight hug. 
Y/n ) i can't believe your here,  what you doing? 
Silas ) after you  the orphanages got close down,  i decided to look for,  i heard from other that you coming with eren.  I snuck in the plane know I'm here. 
y/n ) cool but what do  to go back.
Silas ) remember ms cat from orphanage before she got a new job.
y/n ) i remember her
Silas told before she see gave a free ticket for ride on airplane  because she knows where you go i follow.
Y/n ) ok, let's found my mom first  before she starts panicking 
Silas ) ok 
we continue to walk and talk each. After a couple minutes we found 
Aphmau ) there you are y/n  why did run off.
y/n ) sorry mom but i saw someone  that's scary men
Eren ) it's was him again right. 
I nods my head 
Sky ) who him.
Eren told that's it was man who kill our parents 
Mitch ) Ohh 
Mudkip ) okay and his your friend next to you  y/n 
y/n ) ohh, this  Silas my best friend from other orphanage.
Silas )  it's nice to meet you all. 
Too be continued

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