|| L O V I N G S O M E O N E||

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We spent the rest of the night watching tv and laughing at each other. George and Adam went to their rooms and passed out, I can't say for sure if they made it to their bed or not. All we knew was that we didn't see them anymore.

Matty moved from his position behind me and stretched his legs then criss crossing them and sitting across from me.
He began.

I followed suit and propped my legs up like Matty's.

"Tell me about yourself, ally. I want to know what you like, what you don't, tell me about the shampoo you use, or your first vacation away from home. I want to know it all"
He said with complete and utter confidence. That is something I will never get over about this boy. He will be like a small puppy for once minute then the next he has you pinned against a wall calling you his property.

I love it.

"Well okay, uh my first vacation away from home was when i was 10 and my family took me to Disney. It was really fun and cool until I threw up in one of the spinning teacups."

"Oh god thats disgusting!"
His face went sour.
"Tell me more.."

"What more do you want to know?"
I smirked.

He shifted in his seat.
"Whats your favourite colour?"

Hmm. That sounds like the kind of question you ask a 5 year old but I guess he can know.


He asked. Bringing his legs up to his chest.

"Its just something about the ocean, more specifically the waves. I love them. I don't exactly know why, but they just enchant me. I also love the rain, and blue eyes, they're beautiful"
I laughed and shrugged.

Matty leaned in.
"Is that all?"
He raised his eyebrows

"I guess I could have kept going but I didnt want to bore you"

Matty's face went from a look of curiousness to a look of shock.
"You think you could bore me? Thats simply insane! My dear if you think I'm getting bored of you then you've outright lost your mind!"
He exclaimed.

I laugh and shake my head
"Why are you such a major dork?"
He leaned in closer to me
"Takes one to know one, dork."

I gasp, putting my hand over my chest
"How dare you?!"
Matty laughs and grabs my hand
"C'mon, I guess you're not that bad. You're a cool chick, I'm glad I met you."

"Would ya quit being so mushy? It's kind of ruining your badass reputation."
I say, smirking.

"Ah you think thats what it is? It's a good thing you're pretty"
I lean in close to Matty's ear, wrapping my hands around his shoulders
"I can't say the same for you"

Matty jumps back, exhaling deeply as a way to show how offended he is. He puts a hand over his chest and looks around the room.

"How- I- I can not believe this! You are such a little shit"
He exhales.


A loud voice boomed from the other room

Another voice pitched in

Matty shouts.

"Gosh, why are you always so mean?"
I ask.

"I'm not mean, shut up"

"Make me"
I flirt.

Matty's eyes go from focusing on the tv to giving fall their attention to me, his lips curled up into a smirk and his gaze lined me up and down.
"Babe, how much have you had to drink tonight?"

I think it was only 2, then my uh..activities started with Matty started. I don't think 2 beers are enough to get me drunk, tipsy at best.

"I think I've had around 2, why?"

"Oh c'mon that's no fun! Let's get fucking hammered, babe"
He declares, leaving his seat on the leather couch.

"I guess I could have a few more"

He comes back from the kitchen with something other than beers. Shots.

"Oh god, are we in high-school?"

"Tonight's about having fun, let me teach you how to have fun"
He hands me a clear shot glass with an unidentifiable liquid in it.

"Just don't kill me"
We clink glasses and I down whatever liquid was in the glass. It burns like hell.

"How you feeling, hot stuff?"
Matty downs the shot with no problems, letting the alcohol run smoothly down his throat. He slams the shot glass down on the table.

"I'm doing good"
I say, holding on to whatever piece of strength I could holding me from throwing up. I'm not a lightweight or anything but god damn, shots are the fucking worst.

"Up for another one?"
Matty says hesitantly. He's probably taken note of my current situation.

"The things I do for you"
He fills the glasses once again and hands one to me, we clink again and repeat. The alcohol goes down much easier this time so luckily I'm not choking anymore.
"Woo alright let's do some more"

"Uh, you sure? That might be a bit too fast"
Matty utters

"No! You said it would be fun let's do it!"
I say, filling the shot glass and drinking it in record speed.

I get up from the couch and ran into George and Adam's rooms.

But I don't remember what I did after that.

Heyo! Sorry for not updating in forever but here you go! It's not the best chapter I'm sorry but I just wanted to get something out for you guys to read. So I hope you enjoy! :)

-Lynn xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2017 ⏰

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