||G I R L S||

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When I woke up, the sun was down and the city lights lit up the room. Matty's arm was still tightly wrapped around my waist to keep me from falling off the couch. Once I had completely woken up, I noticed Matty's eyes flutter open, he smirked slightly and moved a couple curls from his face.

"Why hello there, I don't always get to have a pretty lady to wake up to."
He flirts, moving his hand from my waist to my thigh.

"Hello to you too, mister."
I laughed, leaning in and kissing him.

"It's only 10pm, what do you say we have some fun?"
He asks.

"Sure, what were you thinking?"

He bites his lip and looks into my eyes, I could tell he was thinking deeply. But I couldn't figure out what about.

"Want to get high?"
He asks, raising an eyebrow.

It would feel great to just relax and get high, especially with Matty, but I don't know if I should encourage his drug uses. He told me about his past with abusing drugs. This boy means a lot to me, his curls make me smile when they fall into his face. His touch makes me shiver. The way his mouth curls when he smiles makes me feel so good. How can someone make you feel so good when you've only known for a short time? I want to make Matty happy, I want to help him.

It can't hurt, it makes you relaxed.

"Yeah, okay"
I nodded.

Matty quickly got up and grabbed a container and a blue bic lighter from a drawer in his kitchen, he walked back over to me and sat down. Matty was smiling from ear to ear as he opened the small container and took out a paper and a small bag.
(A/N when u know nothing about drugs bc me too)

He slowly and carefully wrapped the joint. Matty has definitely had some experience, he wraps it delicately and perfectly.

"Is this your first time?"
He says, putting the joint in his mouth and lighting it with the small blue lighter.

"No, I used to do it a lot in high school. You know, to be the "bad girl". I don't know why I thought I was cool but I stopped before I graduated. I didn't want people thinking I was some stoner."

Matty took the joint out of his mouth and handed it to me. I pressed it to my mouth and immediately remembered the drug that once brought me so much joy flowing into my body once again. I missed it, it would always help me relax and not worry what people thought about me. I loved it, this damn drug was the only thing that I cared about, I lived on it.

I took the joint out of my mouth and smiled.

"Hey, princess. You're not too shabby."
Matty laughed.

He shifted and moved my legs so they're beside his hips and I'm close to his chest. He likes being close, I like it. I laugh, blowing my smoke into his face.
"Oh, now I'm a princess?"


I gasp loudly to make him think I'm hurt and Matty's eyes widen

"Ally, no I'm so sorry I didn't mean it I was kidding I'm so sorry oh god I'm so stupid why did I say that I'm so sorry please forgive me"
Matty pleads, grabbing my hands and holding them tightly.

"Matty, it's okay. I know you were joking. You don't have to worry, okay?"
I laugh, running my hands through his hair, I take a quick glance into his bloodshot eyes and try not to get captured in their entrancing galaxy's.
Matty nodded his head and looked into my eyes. I couldn't help but falling for him more and more every time he looked at me, what is it about this boy that keeps me so on edge?

"Yeah, okay. I'm sorry Ally I just-"

"Shh, just relax. Let's do something to take your mind off of it, any ideas?"
I say, raising my eyebrow slightly and smirking at the boy.

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