Making A Snowman

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Kyle grinned when Alfred suggested they make a snowman.

"Hell yeah! This is the whole reason I came here!"

"Just to make snowmen? As your boyfriend, I take insult."

Kyle snuck out his tongue. "I wanted a white Christmas, Yankee. I wanted snow. Otherwise, we'd be in 'Straya for Christmas with the kids and you'd be complaining about the heat."

Alfred rolled his eyes, but as they both bundled up, he grinne at his luck this year. He had honestly expected he was going to have Kyle's two little micronations as well for the holidays, but apparently the Australian had earned enough cookie points with his younger sibling to just drop them off at New Zealand's house for the whole month he was here.
Avery deserved a raise in whatever amount Kyle was paying them, in Alfred's opinion. He didn't want to have Oscar and Zoe to worry about when he just wanted to tell Kyle exactly what he'd like to do to him at night.

"Oi, earth to Alfred!"

Alfred glanced up, realizing Kyle was already pulling on hat and scarf. "I'm gonna be out in the snow long before you can even pull on your boots if you don't hurry up!"

Alfred grinned, grabbing boots and yanking them on. "I accept that challenge, Aussie!"

"Oh, you're on!"

In the end, Kyle burst out the door only moments before Alfred, laughing. "Ha! Beat that, Al!"

Alfred sped out of the doorway and slammed the Aussie to the ground, knocking the wind out of him. He grinned. "Feeling beat yet?"

"Jesus Christ, Al, are you trying to break my ribs?" Kyle muttered, sitting up. He glanced around. "Alright, where are we gonna put the little fucker?"

Alfred had a sudden idea. "Right outside the bedroom window."

"I SAID NO DECORATIONS IN THE BEDROOM!" Kyle half shrieked, shoving Alfred completely off of him.

"But a snowman would not be inside the bedroom, just looking in from the outside!" Alfred grinned.

"So when I wake you up because there's a serial killer outside the window, we'll be able to set the snowman on him. Excellent." Kyle said, sarcasm dripping through his voice.

Alfred rolled his eyes. "Alright, where do you want him?"

Kyle glanced around and pointed to the path that lead into the forest behind the house. "There."

They walked over and swiftly got to work. Alfred let Kyle roll up the snow and pat it together while he gathered rocks for buttons (and eyes and a smile), a scarf he didn't really care about, along with a hat and a carrot.

He came back to find Kyle had already found some sticks. "Good, he'll have arms!"

"Feel sorry for the bloke. No legs."

"Maybe he gets around by rolling." Alfred suggested as he offered up the rocks and carrot.

"There's a horror movie waiting to happen." Kyle said with a grin. "Perhaps I ought to write that, and then invite you to the premiere-"

"I will murder you where you stand if you write a horror movie about everything that is good in childhood Christmas." Alfred said, shoving the hat over the snowman's imaginary ears without looking at his boyfriend. "I need to feel happy again for all the rest of my existence."

Kyle laughed, and then wrapped the scarf around the snowman. "There."

They stepped back to admire their work. Three rock buttons on the midsection, red scarf around the neck, two rock eyes and a rock smile, a carrot for a nose, and a green hat.

"It's a pretty nice snowman." Alfred said, wrapping his arm around Kyle.

Kyle nodded. "Yeah. It is."

They grinned for a few seconds, and then Alfred kissed his boyfriend, but it was a fast kiss, and he broke away to run. "Beat you can't beat me back to the house!"

Kyle snorted before rushing after him. "No fair! Head start!"

"You had one last time!"

"Only because you shoved your head in the clouds after you suggested going outside!"

"I was fantasizing!" Alfred said, running up the steps and onto the porch. He threw open the door and got inside moments before Kyle.

Kyle raised an eyebrow after he had closed the door behind him, and then snorted. "God. I'm not even gonna ask about what."

They both burst out laughing, and then Alfred grinned. "Come on. Let's go get warmed up."

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