Back To Square One

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This is the the second book to "Back To When I Loved You". If you have not read that book please go do so and feel free to come back and read this book.
After the two teens and the villain came back from the dimension their memories from there faded. It's like they were never there. So they went back to being rivals. Months passed by as the strange things in life started to appear.
Marinette was on her desk working on some sketches since she decided to put off her homework for later. "Hey Mari?" Tikki asked shyly.

"Yes?" Marinette kept her eyes on her paper. "What is it?"

"Do you feel strange? Like something is bothering you?"

The bluenette paused at the thought. "Hm... Not really but I feel like I'm missing something... can you help me find my tablet for my homework?"

The ladybug smiled. "Your tablet is out in the balcony, remember?"

Marinette opened up the trap door leading to balcony and spotted it. "Aha! Found you!"

She suddenly spotted a black figure running across roof tops. It stopped and had the moon light shinning on it. "Hey Tikki..." she asked slowly. "Who's that?"

Tikki shrugged. "I dunno... I think it might be Chat Noir." Marinette shook her head slightly. "No... it's someone else. It for sure doesn't have cat ears... it has long red-ish ribbons... hm... it looks familiar..."

Tikki quietly gasped. "Um... your probably really tiered and your just seeing things." She giggled nervously. "Alright, alright... wait my tablet!"

The Kwami flew and pushed the tablet towards Marinette. "There. C'mon you can do your homework on the desk." Marinette shook her head as she closed her trap door. "I'll do it on my bed, y'know to be more comfy." Tikki sighed. "But you'll fall asleep again..."

"No way", the bluenette smiled. She got dressed for bed and went under her covers. "I won't fall asleep this time." She wrote and wrote on her tablet starting her essay. Tikki soon got tiered of watching so she fell asleep.

Marinette yawned and looked at her phone. "Eleven twenty six... wow." She groaned. "I'll just *yawn* sleep for five minutes..."
~In The Morning~

"Ugh... Dang it... I fell asleep, this is why you never do homework on your bed Marinette!" She looked over at her phone. "Nine forty-five?!"

Tikki shot up and hit her head on the ceiling. Marinette ran around freaking out, "gah! Tikki help me!"

The kwami helped the girl gather her school things while she got dressed. "Here Marinette hurry!" The girl opened up her bag for Tikki while she got her backpack on. "Ready Tikki?"

The magical creature nodded as she flew into the pink purse.
Marinette sneaked in her class as she slid in her seat. "Hey." She whispered as she got out her tablet. "Late again", Alya whispered in a sing-song voice. "Glad you made it though, we're about to take a English exam."

"I forgot to study", Marinette whimpered. The ombré haired girl let out a light chuckle. "Who studies now a days?"


"Class may I get your attention please?," Mrs.Bousteir called out. Once she got the attention of her students she continued. "I have cancelled our test and passed it to next Tuesday," she said earning some cheers. She held up her hand silencing them once again. "The reason because of this is because we have a new student. She is Ms.Dupain-Cheng's cousin, her name is Bridgett. Please make her feel welcome."

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