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Lauren's POV:

You may think being deaf is cool. Being able to learn these cool sign language, not having to hear crap about stuff. Woo hoo! Yeah! Well no. It literally sucks. Constantly having to go to doctors about every week, people look at you when your signing and think you're weird, you won't really fit in anywhere, oh and did I mention, you can't hear anything?!

Everything started when I was 8 years old. I got this thing called Sensorineural Hearing Loss. Doctors recommended me to wear hearing aids and it did work. It just made me hear 15% better. In that case, when people try talking, I can barely hear what their voice sounds like, but you can hardly hear it at all. Normally people didn't really have to do sign language to me. Just by reading their lips, I can kinda hear out what they're trying to tell me.

Anywho long story short, I'm 17 now and my mom finally thought that it was best for me to enroll to this thing called "School". As a kid I was just homeschooled by my parents, I still did great though. I studied, did my homework, and read all the time. But now, since I'm grown up as you can say, my mom decided to enroll me in an actual school for the first time in my life. How is it going to go you may ask? Terrible. Yup, just terrible...

My thoughts got suddenly interrupted as I felt my faced being liked to death. 'Okay, okay', I said in my head and calmed my dog down. Meet Angel. He's a husky, or you can also say my service dog. He helps me walk the streets, alerts me, and just helps me with my everyday tasks. He's my dog and my friend. Technically he's the only friend I've ever had.

Angel then starts pointing at my door, letting me know that it's dinner time. Getting up from my bed I quickly went downstairs. Going to the dining area, I see my mom and my little sister Lily. She's also deaf like me. We got it from our dad, but he died in a car accident. Our mom is the only one that can hear properly.

"C'mon let's eat." My mom signs at us as we took our seats.

"Are you ready for school tomorrow?" Mom asks me. I shrug as a reply. "Well, it'll be a great experience for you. You're growing up, and I want you to live your life to the fullest." She signs.

"How about you Lily?"

"I'm excited." Lily signs with a huge smile flashed across her face.

After a good 20 minutes of dinner, I headed back into my room. To be clear, I'm actually really nervous for tomorrow. I'm scared of how students will treat me.

Suddenly my door opens, it was my mom.

"You okay?" She says as I read her lips. I shrugged. "You didn't eat much tonight, tell me what's wrong."

"I'm just nervous." I signed. "Can't I just stay and be homeschooled?"

Mom shakes her head, "It'll be fun. I promise. But I'll give you a week. If you don't like it, I'll have you homeschooled again. But if you do like it, you stay for the rest of the year." I nod. With that she left my room. I really hope school won't be bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2016 ⏰

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