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I walked home from the snowy woods, I just had got done seeing my sick grandmother. She looks different really different. Her skin is so pale and her eyes have turned red, what sickness would cause that? I broke from my thoughts hearing a crow fly off a branch by me. I always hated walking through these woods it's always so gloomy and dark like something terrible has happened here. Finally I got out of the woods into the wonderful village I live in but something was wrong I got a feeling something terrible has happened. "There is another attack I heard a man yell." a few feet from me, there has been so many wolf attacks this last few months. "This is the two hundredth one in the last two months." everyone blames the killings on Sebastian Stan the village's werewolf. Last month he got banished to a far off cave but the killings still continued.

  I know that Sebastian is not doing these killings, but what sort of beast is to blame for all this devastation? I would be afraid to come face to face with that powerful beast. I walk past all the commotion from the killing and see my little house. It's a little white cottage with blue window seals and a red door. I live with my mother, my two younger siblings Jacob and Macy. They are both 8, they are twins. As I walk into my house I am greeted with the sweet smell of pumpkin bread, my mom makes the best pumpkin bread. "Hello darling, how is your grandmother?" My mom's voice comes from the kitchen. "She is so pale and her eyes are weird." I call to her as I turn the corner into the kitchen. "What do you mean her eyes are weird?" I look up to my mom and she seems so curious. "Her eyes are red." As soon as I said red my mom drops the glass she was drying with a towel. The glass hits the floor with a big crash breaking into a million pieces. "Mom whats wrong?" I am terrified she never has looked this frightened around me not even when my father died. "You are not allowed to see her anymore Rose, do not go to see her again." "Why mom she could die soon." my mother looked into my eyes and said. "Trust me Rose she will not be dying anytime soon."

I was so confused I could not even talk what has just happened? "Promise me you won't go see her Rose?" I just nodded my head no words could come out I was lost in my thoughts. "I'm going for a walk." I didn't wait for her to reply I just walked out the door into the woods that once felt gloomy but now felt like my only getaway. I just walked I didn't pay attention to where I was going until I heard footsteps behind me. "You know it is not safe in these woods there has been killings?" I knew that voice I heard it everyday of my childhood but it only became a memory after he was taken away. It belonged to Sebastian Stan. I quickly turned around and saw him for the first time in what seemed like forever. His brown hair was spiked up and he was wearing a black leather jacket with ripped jeans and brown work boots. "Hello Rose. Miss me?"

   He said in his husky voice. All I could do was run up and hug him and I started bursting into tears. He hugged me tight and rubbed my back. "Whats wrong?" his voice was truly concerned. "I cannot go see my grandmother again. I told my mom that she has red eyes and she freaked out." After I was done talking he pulled me away and looked at me. "Rose, listen to your mom do not go see your grandmother." He looked frightened but not for himself he looked frightened for me. "I don't understand what is going on? Why am I forbidden to see her?" Sebastian looks at me, he is hurting for me. "Trust me Rose your mom is protecting you." He looked at me with concern. The sun started to set and I knew I should be going home my mom is probably going to give me a lecture when I get home. "Want me to walk you home?" The husky voice of Sebastian said. "That would be wonderful." With that he walked me home silently. The woods were silent and still only the noise of the branches moving in the gentle wind. I saw my house come into view and Sebastian stopped a few feet away i'm guessing so no one in the village might see him. He looked at me and smiled a smile that made my heart race. "Goodnight Rose, sleep good." He started walking his way back into the woods and he was gone.

I caught myself still staring into the woods hoping to see Sebastian walking off into the distance. He was nowhere in sight, I broke from my concentration and walked into my house. My mom was in the kitchen when she saw me she gave me a death glare. "Where were you?! I was worried sick I thought you got attacked." "I'm sorry mom, I was out for a walk to clear my thoughts I didn't mean to worry you." "Rose, you were gone for hours and right after I told you not to go to your grandmother's house."
How do I know you didn't go there?" She was so stirred up, I honestly felt bad I didn't mean to scare her. "I promise I didn't go to grandmothers you can ask her yourself I would not go against what you said even if I want to go there so bad." "I trust you Rose I just was worried sick. You better get to sleep we have a lot to do tomorrow." I hug my mother goodnight, I feel really bad for worrying her so much especially with all the killings lately.
I squeeze her tight then walk up a wooden ladder to my room. It looks like my room is in the attic. The floor is made out of logs and its in the roof part of the house so I guess it could be the attic. My room is pretty plain just my bed and a wooden dresser on the left side of the bed. As I lay down I see all my pictures on my dresser but one catches my eye. Its a picture of Sebastian and I when we were 12 on our first day of school that year. I miss the days that we were that close. It is so amazing to have him back in my life. With those thoughts I lay down and drift into a peaceful sleep.

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