Chapter 11

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The gang are having so much fun even though Scarlet is the only girl, she's also a bit boyish sometimes..

G- Haha really Kenneth that's mean

K- HEY! That's what Scarlet said when I told her

G- Really?!

S- Yup it's true Gabe, I did

They started going home because it's getting a bit late so they all went to the vans and leave...

Kenneth was holding Scarlet because she's getting soo tired of all of the rides and games..

S- It's been fun being with the gang again and with you Kenneth

K- Yeah? Haha me too

They dropped Kenneth and Scarlet at her place so that they can sleep because they're so tired of everything they did

Scarlet's phone rang and it was her mother.

S/M- Scarlet, after 5 days I'm home

S- Really! Mom I-I'm excited to see you again haha

*Call ended*

Kenneth herd it and he was also excited to see her too

K- your mom is coming home haha I'm excited for you Scarlet

S- Ya very excited to see her again haha

They both hugged each other and looked at each other and feeling the love again

Kenneth suddenly took his phone out slowly and play some smooth music and started dancing

S- Ugh haha Kenneth I'm tired haha

K- I will miss you though when your mom is here

S- *sigh* me too Kenny, me too, but we're still able to see each other

They hugged each other very tight like they don't want to let go, Kenneth kissed her in the forehead and he holds her face ny the jawline and giving her a kiss on the lips for 5 seconds and went to bed

They're finally sleeping in the bed and dreaming about the DisneyLand day they had....


Hope you guys liked it!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2016 ⏰

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