Chapter 1: Welcome Back

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Chapter 1: Welcome Back

Patricia's POV*

Getting out of the car, waving good by to my mum and dad, looking around at the school knowing it has changed much. Oh my where are my manners, oh I know I've lost them on the way to the school just kidding though my name is Patricia Williamson and I go to Frobisher Boarding school. So summer break is over and we are back in school once again, I continued to walk towards my boarding home which has a wired name Anubis. Last year me and my friends figured out a lot of stuff about the house. Right when I am about to walk into the house I hear cars behind me which means the others have arrived. Turning around I see my friends Fabian Rutter, Amber Millington, Mara Jaffray, and Mick Campbell.

"Hey Patricia" I heard someone yell and I turned to see it was Mick and Mara walking towards me. Last year after Mick and Amber broke up, him and Mara got really close. I saw Amber get out of her taxi and saw a lot of bags getting pulled out. Then I saw Fabian coming towards the house. We all walked in together and saw Trudy in the main hallway.

"Oh welcome back" she exclaimed.

"Trudy is Joy here?" I asked while Fabian asked "Is Nina here yet?"

"No I don't think they are here yet, but I have been baking all day so come on" she said and we all went into the living room. I think this is going to be a good year.

Nina's POV*

Ah it's good to be back I thought to myself while looking out the window of the taxi. Lets just say that this school is like a second home just creepy. Last year I went through some crazy things and did not just make new friends but a new family. When the driver finally pulled up to the school, I paid him and got out. I started walking to the house that I am staying in which is the Anubis House, but I saw someone hiding by a car. It wasn't just anybody it was my friend and member of my house Jerome Clarke.

"Jerome are you okay?" I asked.

"Oh hey Nina yeah I am just fine" he said and continued to look around like he was hiding from someone. I just kept walking towards the house wondering what is up with Jerome, then again he was always this weird.

Jerome's POV*

 After Nina went by I kept looking for someone hoping I would not see them and before I could get up I saw. I threw my suitcase over the little barrier in the parking lot and jumped over it. Now I guess you are wondering who am I hiding from? Well to answer your question I am hiding from my little sister who just started school. When I looked up she was gone, I was about to leave when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around it turned out to be my best friend Alfie Lewis.

"Alfie what are you doing?" I asked then I saw the his glasses, "If you are lost the 80s' are that way"

"Well new term, new girlfriend, new Alfie" he said. I shook my head and walked away from him heading towards the house. I forgot how interesting Alfie can be.

Patricia's POV*

Everyone except Alfie, Jerome, Joy and Nina was in the living room eating and talking. I heard the door open and there stood my best friend Joy.

"Oh hey Joy" everyone but me said.

"Hi Joy" I said and gave her a hug.

"Hey Joy" Fabian said.

"Hey Fabs" Joy replied.

I sat back down and scooted over so she could sit down. We all continued our conversations and Joy kept staring at Fabian.

Nina's POV*

I finally saw the house and when I got there of course I walked through the front door and was now in the main hallway. I took it all in since I haven't been here since last year, but it felt like someone was watching me. I left my bag in the hallway and walked towards the living room, when I entered the room I was swarmed by hellos and hugs. Then I saw Fabian and I was just so happy to see him again after everything that happened last year.

 "Hey" I said.

"Hi" Fabian replied.

"Come on everyone we are going to make a discreet exit" Amber said while ushering people out of the room.

"So how was your flight?" Fabian asked.

"It was good, how about you?" I replied.

"I came here by car" he said.

"I mean, you know what forget it" I giggled.

"Well I really missed you" Fabian said.

"I really missed you to" I confessed. We both started to lean in for a kiss, but before we could the door opened and there stood Alfie and Jerome.

"You know people are eating in here" he said, then sat down on the couch with Alfie.

"Well that was awkward" Fabian said. He then handed me a plate of brownies and I took one. I hope this year will be better than last year.

-------- At The School -------------

I walked into the school making sure that no one was in here and went towards the stage. I pulled the floorboard up and saw the place where I had laid the cup. I heard the sound of a door opening so I took the cup and hid behind the door.

"Is anyone here?" I heard Mr. Sweet ask. I saw him put the board back then leave. When I put the cup away somewhere else I went back to the living room and it was dinner time.

"Where were you?" Fabian asked.

"I had to do something" I said.

"OK" he said.

"Secret Sibuna meeting tonight pass it on" I whispered. I saw him tell Alfie and I knew he would pass it on to Patricia and Amber. Once dinner was over we all went to our rooms and of course it was now 10:00 p.m.

"It is 10 o'clock. You all know what that means, you have five minutes precisely and then I want to hear a pin drop" he said.

When I didn't hear anything else me and Amber both got up and left out of our room. In the hallway was Alfie, Fabian and Patricia.

"So how are we going to get up there?" Patricia asked. Once she said that the door opened. "Welcome back to creepy town"

We walked up and set everything up. We were having a good time when we heard a noise coming from the stairs. We all turned towards the door and when the door opened there stood Joy. 

"They're in here" Joy said and in came Jerome, Mara, and Mick. "I can't believe you didn't invite us to your midnight Anubis reunion"

"We wanted to surprise you" Patricia said.

"While I was asleep?" Joy asked.

"Yeah aren't you surprised?" I asked.

"I'll just get another sheet" Amber said. She went over and got another sheet and under the sheet was a doll house. Which looked exactly like the house. Alfie tried to pick it up but ended up dropping it. We heard the door downstairs and heard Victor's voice. Everyone grabbed the stuff and ran downstairs, but I had to put the cup in a safe place. While looking for a place for the cup, I saw a red light. So I put my locket in it and the wall opened I put the cup in there and then closed it back. I turned around then Victor came up and I bumped into something. Victor yelled at me. I ran downstairs and went back to my room. Then I went into a deep sleep because I was tired.



Hiya my peasant, I just want to tell you that I am not going to go in the order of the season. Also I am going to skip parts so that you can get to the drama of in the house but when I do start a chapter the perso will tell you what happened before what is happening during that chapter. Well that is all for now, until next time.

Lots O Love,


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