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Lunas P.O.V

When I woke up today I took a quick shower and dried myself. Once I was done with putting some clothes on I got a text by Leo saying that Adam, Bree and Chase are coming to school today. I answered back saying 'ok I'll be there soon'. I took my bag and went into the kitchen. I took an apple and then started walking to school.

Once I got there I saw that Adam, Bree and Chase were really happy. I went over there and asked what they were so happy about.

"What are you guys so happy about?" I asked.

"We got to come to school!" Bree cheered. Seriousy? She's happy about coming to school? The bell rung and all of us walked into the cafeteria.

"Okay you guys. That's Principal Perry. She has the temperament of a junk yard dog stuffed into a really bad pant suit" Leo said pointing at our horrible principal.

I have never actually liked Principal Perry, but is the old lady even allowed to be a principal? She's really mean.

"Hey you!" Principal Perry yelled at one of the kids.

"No tongue rings in school! Don't try to hide it, I will take a metal detector to your face!" She yelled at the kid and ran after him.

"I wouldn't cross paths with her if I were you" I said to the rest of the group. They looked kind of scared while I just rolled my eyes. The woman doesn't scare me. Nothing really scares me.

A boy was looking in Brees direction and her face lit up like a candle.

"This is it! My chance for romance. On T.V the girl always drops her books and then the cute guy with soulful eyes picks them up" Bree said with so much excitement, and dropped her books.

"Yeah Bree, on T.V not in real life!" I said. As i finished my sentence on of the teachers slipped and fell on their back because of Brees papers and books on the floor. I had to put my hand in front of my mouth not to laugh during this situation.

The teacher got up and glared at Bree.

"Sorry I'm new here" Bree said.

"Okay, your social life is determined where you sit. We can't sit at the Cool Table, but we can be cool table adjacent" Leo said pointing at the cool table where a bunch of cheerleaders were sitting.

"F.Y.I. Leo. Adam just sat down at the cool table" I said pointing at the cool table.

Leo was starting to panick once he saw that I was pointing where Adam was sitting. 

"What! He can't sit there! That's were the football players sit with the cheerleaders. And they pride themselves on finding clever places to stuff your pudding cup" Leo said frightened.

"Those girls are actually talking to him and they can't talk about shapes and colors forever. See ya!" Chase said and went over to the cool table. I felt a terrible feeling in my stomach and I was kinda jealous that Chase would rather be there then here with me! Wow... Where did that come from?

"NO!" Leo yelled.

"The football players are gonna turn him into the fifth food group. It's a rescue mission" Leo said towards me and Bree.

"Move in! Move in!" Leo said and pretended to be some kind of James Bond while walking over to the cool table. Seriously, why do they call it the cool table? It's just a freaking table!

Adam saw us and had a grin on his face.

"Oh hey guys! Look these girls just told me when the football players get her, I'm gonna get a free pudding cup!" Adam said. Adam is pretty dumb if he thinks they're gonna come to him like'Hey! Here's a free pudding cup, you want one?'.

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