An Angels Identity (1)

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An Angels Identity

Chapter 1

The last thing I remember is falling. Somehow, I was standing on the highest peak of the tallest mountain, above even the clouds, and I fell. I remember toppling down into an abyss so dark, it swallowed me whole. I hardly felt the impact with Earth's ground over the pain of what felt like something was being ripped off my back.

I didn't know why I fell; I didn't even know why I was standing up so high in the first place. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't recollect my memories of the past. I didn't remember my name, I didn't remember my age, I didn't know where I was, and I didn't know where I'd come from.

I felt as if something was different, but I couldn't put my finger on what it was. Thinking I might be able to figure something out, I took a quick survey of my body. Two arms, two legs, ten fingers, ten toes, two eyes, one mouth, one nose, one bellybutton, hair... I felt as if something was missing. Then it hit me.

My back was stinging horribly and I hissed air through my teeth. When I was falling, I felt as if something was torn off my back. Maybe that's what I was missing. I reached one of my hands over my shoulder and gently skimmed my fingers over one of the sore spots. I jerked the hand away quickly when I felt something warm and sticky. I examined the thick liquid and my mind told me it was blood. Obviously something was wrong.

I stumbled slowly to my feet and scanned my surroundings. I was in a vast forest that stretched away from me in every direction. It's beauty took my breath away and I just stood there, in one spot, staring- mystified- at my surroundings. Sunlight flittered in through a thick canopy consisting of bright emerald green leaves and flower buds of many shapes and hues. The ground was littered with fallen leaves and pine needles. I sighed in contentment.

A small whimper came from the brush off to my left and I jumped in shock. I walked slowly towards the weak sound and peaked around a tree. "Aww..." I cooed at the sight of a baby bear. At the time, I had no clue what it was besides the fact that it was the cutest thing I had ever seen. It looked up at me with big round eyes that glistened in a ray of golden sunlight and I couldn't help the slight tug at my heart. How could you not love such an adorable creature? "What's your name little fellow?" I asked sweetly. It's ears perked up at the sound of my voice and it seemed to smile at me, but it didn't answer.

I was confused for a moment before deciding that it must have lost it's voice somehow. "Where's your mommy?" I cooed, not really looking for an answer. The small creature looked as it were lost, so I continued, "Would you like for me to help you find her?" The small smile it held on it's face grew and it looked positively overjoyed. 'I'll take that as a yes.' I thought to myself. I laughed at it's goofy lopsided grin and at the sound, it started jumping on my shins and grabbing at my thighs playfully. I allowed myself to be pushed to the ground and we play wrestled for a long moment before it began to get tired. I smiled slightly when it yawned the absolute cutest yawn I'd ever seen.

I scooped the baby animal up into my arms and began to carry him through the luscious forest. I walked and walked, the whole way calling out, "Momma! Momma!" The little baby fell asleep after the first hour or so, so I resorted to whispering the chant. Soon, it was growing dark and I started to hear the sounds of distant hoots and howls. They sounded to me like loud whisper, telling me things that I didn't want to hear. I felt fear budding in my heart and I walked faster; gripping the baby animal tight in my arms.

I jumped nearly a foot in the air when I suddenly heard a growl that made my skin crawl with terror. The little guy in my arms woke with a start at the sound and looked expectantly towards a huge bush off to my right. A much larger version of the baby stalked out of the darkness and a thick snarl built in it's throat. It's dark brown fur looked black in the dim light, making it look like some sort of hell creature. It's gaze fixed on the baby and the baby jumped out of my arms and towards the giant beast. I tried to make a grab for it, but I was thwarted by a ferocious warning growl from the monster in front of me.

An Angel's Identity (NEVER GOING TO FINISH)Where stories live. Discover now