The Store

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It was a long day at work and I had just started to close the store. The last thing that needed to be done was to lock the store. Wait what was that. I turned to be faced with a bloody scene right in front of my very eyes. "Hello?" I say wondering who was in the store to have caused this. "I-i-is anyone here?" I ask nervously hoping that no one was there to kill me. I try to call the cops with the stores phone but the lines were cut. "Huh? How did that happen?" I ask as I pull out my phone and dial 9-1-1. I explain to the police that I am a store clerk at Walmart and I was just about to lock up store when I was stopped by a noise from behind me and when I turned around all I had seen was blood everywhere. They send out a few officers and I show them the scene. Then one officer turns to me and asks "Where did the blood come from?" "I-i-i don't know? I didn't know that this had happened." I had told the officer. "What is your name?" He asks me as he tries to figure out how this happened. "M-m-my name's Tyler." I say still shook by what had happened. "And how old are you?" He asks and he kneels down to inspect the blood stains. "I'm 17." I say nervously. I look around and see what I thought could have been a foot, but as I get closer to it I see that it's not just a foot it's a whole body. There was a long pause as my face goes from nervously confused to completely scared. I point over to where the body is and try to speak but no words come out. "Why are you just pointing kid?" The officer asks me. He starts to get a little mad because I can't spit out any words. "Well spit it out." He barks at me. I look at him while I'm at a loss for words and I just point. Finally the second officer comes over to me, puts his hand on my shoulder and looks to where I am pointing. He looks at me and tells me "You can put your arm down I see what you're trying to show us." "Johnson come over here." He barks to his partner. Johnson goes over to his partner and his eyes widened. "Well do you see it?" His partner asks. "Yes and I know who it is." Johnson says looking at the body stunned. Both the officer and myself look at Johnson when all of the sudden I see something moving. "What was that?" I ask as I point over to the bikes. The second officer starts to go over in that direction as Johnson shows me the way out of the door. "Just stay away from here for a while we will take care of this." Johnson says as he closes the door after I got out.

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