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Soulless had given me the name Blade since I took the knives and I feel like I could use a blade more than a gun so that's my new cover name but they said that I'll be needing to get a make over well guess what time it is for me now. "Time for your make-over Blade." Soulless says with some excitement. After the make over I look into the mirror. "My hair, my eyes, my outfit looks completely different." I say admiring my new look. "Well do you like it?" Soulless asks me. "Yeah I look great!" I say excited and happy with my look. I look at my jacket to see how many pockets I have and where my blades will hang from my shoulders and I feel my lips where they had pierced them, I have snake bites. I feel my ear and realize I have a new piercing in my ear as well. "Just one last detail and you'll be done." Heartless says as she puts two blades in the blade holders on my back. "Now you're done." I look at my dog tags and notice that they have my name on one and Fuck Off on the other. "Why does my second dog tag say Fuck Off?" I ask confused on why Fuck Off. "That's what you'll mainly be saying because you don't like to fight so you tell them to Fuck Off." Soulless says as she points out what Heartless and her dog tags say. "Mine says "Why do you have to be so Heartless?" And Heartless says "Well that's why you're Souless." Because that's what we say all the time to one another." Soulless says as she starts to clean one of her pistols. I look at my eyes noticing that they are now a dark purple but they seem to be a prescription since I can actually see out of them. I look at my forearms and see the gauntlets, they are black and match my jacket so they blend in. "I look completely different!" I paused "I look amazing!" I say excitedly. "You just need to change your voice just a little." Heartless tells me as she puts away the stuff she had used on me. "Like this?" I ask as I make my voice deeper. "Yeah thats fine." Soulless says putting her pistol back together. We all go outside in the backyard to do some target practice with me. "Okay first you have to figure out how you're going to attack are you going to be stealthy or quick. Unseen or visible." Heartless says as I start to go into the shadows and go up behind one of the targets. I pull out my blade without making a sound. Then I stab the target with my blade. They turn to me seeing that I already have the stealth that I need. "Well done" Soulless says. "Now you need to do that with an actual target but that will come later. Now how would you handle a killer coming up to you. They don't know that you have blades but they have a knife or a gun what would your action be?" She asks as she pulls out her pistols and twirls them on her fingers. "Well I would say Fuck Off I'm not a fighter leave me alone and if the didn't and they tried to attack then I would fight back." I say as I hear a bullet shot. I pull out my blade real quick and I deflect the bullet with my blade. I turn around and look at them then back at where the bullet came from. Then I saw him. "No it can't be, is it, it is. That's......"

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