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*In the latest chapter in the Book of Xerxes, I asked you guys what my next book should be, and most of you wanted a spinoff to Slayer Academy. So here it is, Origin of Honors. Just a heads up though: Because the full backstories of some characters will reveal important plot points to the main story, this is not a full story of their origins. This only presents the characters' first day at Slayer Academy. Sorry if you really were hoping for an origin story. You'll just have to wait until it's revealed in the main story. Anyways, enjoy the story!*

A young man in a grey suit made his way through the halls of Slayer Academy. He had travelled through these halls for nearly six years now, yet each time he was always amazed with the architecture of the building. The smooth limestone walls, the domed roof with a mosaic window to let in light, everything. Everything amazed him. And the halls were completely empty, making the experience even more enjoyable. Of course they're empty, he thought to himself. It was summer break, though school was just around the corner, a few stores in the city already starting up their "Back To School Deals" (which was both good and bad for students. Sure, clothes were cheaper, but damn, who the hell wants to go to school after a nice three month break?)

The man smiled to himself and continued to travel around the school grounds before getting bored and heading to the Arch-Mage's office to entertain himself. "Afternoon Maylin," he greeted once he entered the room. The lady sitting at the desk in front of him, the Arch-Mage, smiled in greeting and brushed her strawberry-blonde hair over her shoulder.

"That'd be Arch-Mage to you, Xavier," she said jokingly.

"And that'd be Mr. Silus to you," he joked back. Maylin laughed softly and continued on with what she was doing before Mr. Silus walked in, which was sorting through the records of the incoming freshmen.

"So how's the freshmen class looking?" asked Silus as he sat himself on the edge of Maylin's desk.

"They're decent," the Arch-Mage responded without looking up. "Not too impressive, but they're definitely not terrible either."

"Well surely there's a few noteworthy students among them."

"Oh believe me, there are." said Maylin. "I was just talking about the majority of the students. These students in particular however are a cut above the rest. In fact, i already notified those students' parents about their child being in your class."

"Wait, what?" Silus raised an eyebrow. "You mean an entire group of freshmen is joining . . ."

"Yes. An all freshmen group."

"But what about the current class?"

"They'll have to drop down, unfortunately."

"I see . . ." Silus rubbed his chin, then shrugged. "Well, if you've gone and done something like that, then I guess these kids really are as good as you're making them out to be, at least I hope they are. I can't wait to meet them. But don't blame me for how the rest of the school reacts."

Slayer Academy: Origin of HonorsWhere stories live. Discover now