16| Violet

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Chapter sixteen.

What is happening? One second he's like a little child the next he's acting like a pig, a cute pig. Ah, stop it mind!

I raised my hands up to go in between Louis and I. "Louis, what's happening?" I asked slowly and scooted back a bit. Louis crawled over to me.

Oh Jesus.

"What do you mean?" He smirked and took both of my hands and pulled me up with him. I gasped as he picked me up. "Hold on, tight." He snickered, knowing his innuendo would make me blush.

He was carrying me bridal style. In seconds Louis jumped out the window and started running. I tighten my grip around his neck and nuzzled my face into the crook of Lou's shoulder.

A smirk was plastered on his face clearly. I had started enjoying Louis carrying me. He was very strong and very fast. But soon we came to a stop, Louis let me go.

He held his head in pain. I took hold of Lou's shoulders making sure he wouldn't fall. He groaned loudly. I was afraid.

I didn't want Louis to be in pain, yeah, he can act weird at times but everyone does?

Lou looked straight into my eyes, his weren't blue nor black this time. They were sliver. The sight scared me, but I didn't let him go.

"Louis? Please Louis! Wake up?" I said shakily. I have no idea what's happening? Why is he doing this?!

"Violet?" A deep voice said. I looked around, me and Lou were the only one in this forest. "H- hello?" I said.

I looked back to Lou and he wasn't holding his head anymore. He was staring directly at me. "This is your father," Louis's mouth moved and I choked.

"Leave Louis alone!" I cried and growled, getting upset. Louis doesn't deserve pain just for my dad trying to talk to me.

"I need to tell you something, daughter." He said lowly, I thought about it, might as well. Louis doesn't look like he's in pain anymore at least. But he has a frown on his face. It didn't suit him at all.

"Fine! Hurry up!" I said and my father started talking in a hurry. "You're in grave danger. You need to stay with Harry and his family. I know you hate them, but I promise you can trust them. You need to train too. Train for a battle. Your going to need it." He said through Lou's mouth.

"Why can't I just stay with Luke and Liz?"I asked.

"It's not safe there, there is things you don't know about them. I need you to listen to me, Violet." He basically demanded.

"Why would I? This has been the only time you've tried talking to me! Your not even my dad." I spat angrily. He's making me mad, nothing's good happens when I'm mad!

"I have to go. Please remember what I said. Stay with Harry." He said. Louis started holding his head again. "I love you, Violet." My father said before Louis fell to the ground motionless.

I didn't expect that. I pushed the thought of my father out of my mind and bent down to check on Louis. "Lou? Are you okay?"

No answer. I picked Louis up the same way he did with me. No, he wasn't heavy. Mostly because of my werewolf strength. But in genual Louis's pretty fit.

I walked back to Harry's or all of their house. I'm guessing this wasn't Harry's house but just like a hang out.

Louis stirred. I set him down by a tree and waited for him to wake. He wasn't waking up so I picked him back up and kept on walking. It's getting dark and for once I don't feel like staying out.

I made it back before it got completely pitch black. I held Lou in one hand and opened the front door and walked in. Once I set one foot in everyone flooded to us. Asking me a billions of questions.

I've just walked more then twenty blocks carrying a fully grown man. And now I'm being thrown all these questions I don't have the answer to?

Liam took Louis from my hands. I fell to my knees. I heard a gasp and my eyes shut. I didn't realize how tired I actually was until now, because right when I shut my eyes I fell into a deep sleep.



I enjoyed it. Well well well. What do you think is up with the Hemmings? Comment! Loved your feedback.

Do you think Louis is going to be okay? Or do you think something... I don't know bad? Will happen? Comment!:)

Also! Are you a shipper for;








And lastly


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P.S I based Violet off if Lilly Colins! (When she was in the mortal instruments)

Edited c:
Re-Edited 2018

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