The Parlor

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AN: Picture of Rachel in the media.

Charles's P.O.V ~
I smiled as we all sat down in the parlor. Cain and Clara sat on the floor. Clara by Rachel, and Cain by James and I. The reason Clara and Rachel were here, was because they were new to the neighborhood and James and I both agreed it would be nice for Cain to meet them so he could at least make one friend.

"So, James and Charles, how long have you two had Cain?" Rachel asked. "For about a month now," James answered. Rachel nodded. "I've only had Clara for a couple weeks." I looked towards Cain. His posture was perfect. He didn't look up from the ground. I looked over at Clara, she was sitting with her legs crossed. She was playing with her hands gently.

James nudged me, bringing me from my thoughts. "Sorry, yes?" I said. Rachel chuckled softly and smiled. "I was asking if there was any chance you two could find me a position in your staff at your company," she said. "Due to some.. past misunderstandings.. I had to quit my job and I've been looking for a new one." I nodded. "I'm sure we can find you a position," I smiled and said. She smiled and gently stroked Clara's hair. "Thank you." She said.

Cain's P.O.V ~
I kept my head down. My eyes glued to my thighs and my knees. I played softly with a piece of my shirt. I didn't deserve to be apart of the conversation that my Masters and Dominatrix Rachel are having. It wasn't any of my business and it didn't concern me. However... it would make me feel appreciated. I don't know why I'm thinking like this. It was selfish. And I don't have any right to be. I looked up at Master Charles. He had his arm and hand on the arm rest on the couch. He was smiling at Dominatrix Rachel who was gently stroking Submissive Clara's hair. I didn't deserve that type of love. I didn't deserve that type of affection.

I looked at Master Charles who I was sitting beside. I gently tapped his arm, making him look at me. "Yes, Cain?" He asked me. "M-May I please be dismissed to my room, Master Charles?" I asked softly. "Do you need Ash to show you back to your room, Cain?" Master James asked me. I shook my head,"No thank you, Master James." He nodded and gave me a look of concern. Master Charles gave me his approval to leave. I thanked him politely, bowing gently to Dominatrix Rachel and Submissive Clara. I stood up and left the parlor, going to my room. 

Unbeknownst to my masters and everyone else, I had a computer-like memory. So naturally, it was easy for me to find my way back to my room. I went into the bathroom and slowly took off my clothes. I turned the water on and watched it fill the tub. I had turned the water on the hottest setting. Deciding that I needed to be punished for my thoughts of selfishness. Once there was enough water, I turned off the water and slowly got into the tub. I bit my lip as I slowly got used to the temperature. I laid down with my back against the back of the tub. Sitting there in silence as I punished my thoughts. 

James' P.O.V ~

I watched with concern as Cain silently left the parlor. Was he okay? Did he feel uncomfortable? I could tell my brother was thinking the same thing. He was gonna go after Cain, when I stopped him. "Let me, Charlie," I said, giving my brother his old nickname, it was soft when I said it though,"He seems a bit more comfortable around me, right now." He smiled softly at me and nodded. I got up and went to go talk to Cain. I went into his room and knocked on the door. "Cain?" "I-In the bathroom, master James!" He called to me. I went into bathroom and smiled softly at him. "Hey... Are you okay, Cain?" I asked him, he looked down and nodded. "Yes, Master James," was his reply. 

I took the small stool from the vanity that was connected to one of the sinks and sat on it in front of the tub. "I don't believe that. Now, you're not in trouble," I said to him,"But, I need you to tell me the truth. We were making you uncomfortable?" "No, Master James..." He answered. "Was Rachel or Clara making you feel uncomfortable?" "No, Master James, they're really nice, Dominatrix Rachel and Submissive Clara are. It was just a few observations I made that made me feel uncomfortable." "Do you want to talk about those observations?" He shook his head,"No, thank you, Master. They were selfish observations." I gave him a look. 

"Cain. Look at me," I said. He obeyed and looked at me in the eyes. I gently held his chin. "No observations you make, will ever be selfish. Do you understand me, Cain?" I asked him. He nodded,"Yes, Master James." "So, would you like to tell me what upset you?" I watched him bite his lip. Something I have dubbed as a nervous habit for him. He nodded,"Y-Yes, Master James." He took a deep breath and looked at me. "I saw Master Charles had his hand and arm on the armrest of the couch.." He said, I nodded, showing him that I was listening to him. "And then, I saw Dominatrix Rachel stroking Sub-" "You can just call her Clara, Cain." I said to him,"I won't punish you for something so simple." He nodded and started again. "I saw Dominatrix Rachel stroking Clara's hair and... It upset me because I knew.. that I don't deserve that type of affection or relationship." He looked down. 

I bit my lip as I processed what he said. "Cain," I said to him softly,"Everyone deserves that type of affection. Yes, it is clear that Rachel has different rules then Charles and I do, but that doesn't take away your rights to have that type of affection." He nodded, showing me he was listening,"Yes, Master James." I nodded. "Do you want to have some time to your thoughts?" I asked him. He nodded,"If I may have it, Master James." I nodded. "I'll have Ash come and get you when dinner's ready, okay?" "Yes, Master James," He answered. I nodded and left him after putting the stool back. 

Cain's P.O.V ~

After Master James left the bathroom I got out of the tub. Wrapping myself in one of the large fuzzy towels. I dried off and hung up the towel before going into my room to try on a set of my new clothes. I picked out a black pair of panties, a pair of skinny jeans, and then one of my flannels(AN: He's wearing the outfit below, except for the shirt and shoes).

 I picked out a black pair of panties, a pair of skinny jeans, and then one of my flannels(AN: He's wearing the outfit below, except for the shirt and shoes)

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After I was finished, getting dressed, I went to brush my hair. I smiled softly when it fell slightly in front of my face. I then went throughout my room. That's when I noticed two large windows, covered by the drapes. I went over to them and found out that they were doors. I opened one of the doors and stepped out onto the newly found balcony. I left the door open and sat down in one of the chairs. I smiled and relaxed as I felt the soft breeze of the wind on my face. 

'Maybe,' I thought,'Maybe I can be happy here. Maybe... Maybe I can move on and live my life now. Maybe...I can finally be free from all my pain...' Little did I know that not all of these 'maybe's were gonna come true. For now, I was oblivious towards what the future had in store for me.

They call me "Cain" ~ {ManxBoyxMan}Where stories live. Discover now