The 1st Punishment

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~ A few Weeks later ~
Cain's P.O.V ~
I was in my room, sitting near my vanity and reading a book that Master James had given me to practice my reading. It was a simple book, like one you would give to a 1st grader to read. But I didn't mind. I was grateful that my masters would allow me the opportunity to learn to read. I was silently reading, paying attention to the words, vowels and how they all came together. I moved my hand. Not realizing that I knocked it into the vase that was next to me. I gasped and looked as I saw it wobble and start to fall. I reached out and tried to catch it, having it just barely brush my fingers. And then--CRASH!--the vase broke.

I gasped and knelt down beside the broken pieces. I started picking up the pieces, when Master James suddenly ran into the room. "What happened?!" He asked worriedly. I whimpered and kept my head down. I knew he saw the broken vase. "Cain? What happened to the vase?" He asked. I looked up at him, tears swelling into my eyes. "I-I was working on my reading, as you have instructed, Master James. B-But then I moved my arm to far and kn-knocked it over & broke it.." I said to him truthfully. "Was it on accident?" He asked me. I nodded,"Yes, master James. I didn't know that I knocked it over till I saw it falling, and I tried to catch it, but it slipped from my finger tips." He nodded at me. "Okay, I believe you-" He was cut off when Master Charles came into the room.

"What the hell happened in here?" He asked. He then looked at the shattered vase. His whole aura changed in an instant. He slowly looked at me and I felt like I was gonna cry. "Cain. My room. Now." He said through gritted teeth. I nodded shakily and quickly made my way to his and Master James' room. I went to the middle of the room and had my back facing the door. I then sat on my knees in the punishment position. I kept my tears at bay and I kept myself silent. I wasn't gonna beg for mercy or for Master Charles to stop whenever he punished me. I just hoped, he'd be fair.

Charles' P.O.V ~
I couldn't believe Cain broke that vase. That had been our mother's favorite vase and she had given it to us as an heirloom. He wasn't gonna be let loose on this. I was about to leave the room when James stopped me. "Don't go too hard on him," he said, I glared at him. "He broke mother's vase." I said to him. "It was an accident, Charles. He didn't know he knocked it over until it started falling." James said to me. "Besides, this would be his first punishment with us as his masters. I don't want him to be scared of us." "So you just want me to let him off the hook for breaking an old family heirloom?" I asked him, angrily. "Yes, and no," James answered,"Do what you want, but You will make it up to him if you scare him." He said.

I sighed and nodded to him. "Alright, James. I won't go too rough on him." I said before going to our room where Cain was. When I entered the room, the sight I had broke my heart. He was in a position where he knew what I could do to him. He was willingly in the position of punishment. I went over to him and knelt in front of him gently. "Cain?" I asked him gently. "Cain, look at me, please." He slowly and hesitantly looked up at me. "I'm not gonna hurt you, love." I said to him. "B-But I broke the va-vase..." he said, trying to keep his tears at bay. "I deserve to be punished." I shook my head. "It was an accident, Cain. I'm not gonna punish you for an accident." I told him. "Punish me, master Charles. I deserve it. I broke your vase and I deserve to me punished by you." I looked at him and got an idea.

"Okay. Stand up," I told him. He immediately stood. "Sit on the bed." He immediately obeyed. I went over to him and I stood in front of him. "Now, Cain. Tell me what you think you deserve." He looked at me as if I had told him to kill himself. He looked at me like I had told him to take a knife to his pale skin and to cut along the veins of his arms. I crossed my arms and looked at him. "I'm waiting." I said to him. He bit his lip and took a shaky breath.

"I deserve pain. I deserve no mercy. I deserve scraps from your table and not full meals. I deserve to sleep in a cage. Not the room you and Master James had so graciously given me. I don't deserve the right to be able to learn to read. I don't deserve the freedoms you both have given me. I deserve to be used. Not to be your equal. I deserve to tend to your every will. Not have you even acknowledge that I exist as a human being. I deserve to be used as your property. Not your equal. I don't deserve your mercies. I don't deserve the love your two have shown me. I deserve your wrath. Not your love. Am I skinny? Yes. Am I obedient? Defiant yes. Do I deserve everything you and Master James have given me? Absolutely not." Once he finished his rant, a few tears had managed to escape him.

I sat beside him and wrapped my arms around him. Letting him cry into my chest. "Don't say that, Cain. From now on, James and I will prove to you that you deserve the opposite of those things that you have stated." He nodded weakly against my chest and I simply held him.

Praying to any god above that could hear me; that I could help Cain get rid of his traumas and fears.

They call me "Cain" ~ {ManxBoyxMan}Where stories live. Discover now