Chapter 1: Introduction

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Harley P.O.V.

I jumped out of my little daydream as my mother yelled "Harley come on, your gonna be late"I hurried out of my room and closed my door,walked outside and felt the cold weather on my cheeks and shivered I was about to sit in the front seat but my older brother Aaron pushed me out of the way and sat down, I yelled "Aaron you knew I was gonna sit there" I had an angry look on my face as he said "but you took forever Harley" I rolled my eyes and sat in the back as I sat down I got a text from my best friend Chandler Riggs

Chandler:hey where are you the science fair already began?

Me:sorry  I'm on my way already


Chandler and I been friends for already three years he's a cool dude and we are like best friends and if you figured it out by now we're doing the science fair together , we are almost towards the end of school ,well kinda it's December but we're doing the science fair anyway and I really needed to hurry. I got there just before we had to go on stage for our project, when Chandler saw me he hugged me and said "finally cause we're next up" I apologized and started to get nervous he said "relax, we can do this" I gave him a weak smile and we heard our names be called. We walked onto the stage, I saw a couple of my friends and waved hi. Most people think Chandler and I are dating but we're just really really really best friends I don't understand why people don't believe us, we explained our project and after we explained there was a thunderous applause we got off stage and when I saw Chandler with a blonde girl I was shattered let's just say I have a crush on Chandler and every time a girl would break up with him I'd be there for him I was interrupted of my thoughts because Chandler got my attention he said "Harley meet my girlfriend, Hana Hayes" I smiled and said"hi, I'm Harley Quinn" we shook hands and they left I had to say I felt heartbroken I can't believe he has another girlfriend I went to my first class and signed knowing maybe Chandler will never notice that I have feelings for him the bell rang and class started, a few minutes later class was over and I went to my next class which is gonna suck cause Chandler's in my next class and we always next to each other and we talk but I had a feeling we weren't gonna do any of that today I sat down at my regular spot and when Chandler walked in he sat with his buddies Ron,Sam,Conner,and Josh he didn't look at me once so I kept doing what I was doing,we were assigned partners and mostly Chandler would be my partner but today Ron was my partner, Ron and I talked through our assignment and class ended and Ron came up behind and tapped my shoulder he asked me "since we've been friends for a while and all, I wanted to know if you would be my girlfriend?" I was surprised by what he asked I stood there shocked but I said "ummmmmm...sure" he looked like a kid that just saw his favorite store open or something like that, he smiled and kissed me on my cheek and waved bye I waved bye back and went to my next class good thing Chandler wasn't there but my friend Yazmin was and I told her that Ron and I are dating, she squealed like a little girl. Class ended pretty quickly and now it was time for lunch and of course me and Ron sat with each other and talked about our favorite things even though we basically knew everything about each other we laughed and laughed I caught Chandler staring at me a couple of times.The rest of the day went by pretty quickly Ron ended walking me home when we got to my porch he kissed me goodbye and left as soon as walked in I went straight up to my room. A couple of minutes later there was a knock on the door and I walked downstairs and opened the door to see Chandler there,he looked like he'd been crying I asked what was wrong and he said"Hana broke up with me and went with
Ron" he sniffled and hugged me tight but then I told Chandler thats impossible because me and Ron are together Chandler looked up at me and said "they're at Starbucks right now if you want to see" I put on my coat and me and Chandler walked to Starbucks when we got to the door Hana and Ron walked out, Ron had his arm around her waist and when he saw me he said " sorry Harley we're done I have Hana now" I took off running and crying Chandler caught up with me and hugged me again, rubbing my back up and down. We arrived back at my place and walked up to my room, I was still crying and laid down with Chandler at my side we cuddled he had his arm wrapped around my waist and my head on his chest. I ended falling asleep on his chest with him with me I felt safe and I didn't want to leave his was 8:30 when me and Chandler woke up from our cuddle. He kissed my forehead and said goodbye, he left and I decided to do my homework, after my homework I ate some cereal and took a shower after my shower I headed to bed.

Hey guys so this my first fanfiction and please comment or vote and give me ideas for this story I'll update soon

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