Chapter 2: Best Day Or Best Moment

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Harley P.O.V

Next Morning

I woke up by my alarm,it was 6:30 and I decided to take a shower. I washed my body and hair when I got out I brushed my teeth and blow-dried my hair I put on some black skinny jeans and a Twenty One Pilots black shirt and my black converses I put on a bit of mascara and I grabbed my phone to see a text message from Chandler it said

Chandler: meet at Starbucks since we got no school 😊

Me: alright be there in ten

Chandler: yayyyyy 😊

I hurried to Starbucks and got my car keys and drove when I turned on the radio I'm favorite song came on it was Glad You Came from The Wanted I love that band. When I arrived at Starbucks I locked my car and walked inside to see Chandler at a table on his phone I walked over to him and he hugged he said "I got news to tell you" when he said that I kinda had hope for something like he liked me or something he said "I'm going away for a while " my heart sank as I heard the news it was heartbreaking but I put on a fake smile "oh, where are you going" he said gently "on a vacation with my family" I nodded slowly I guess he could tell that I was sad cause he  pulled me in a hug and rubbed my back and said"I'll be back don't worry" I smiled and pulled away and nodded we hung out all day and got a bunch of walking dead things

Hours later

We ate and Chandler drove me home when we walked up on my porch he hugged me and said"bye and see ya later" I was about to go inside but he said "wait one more thing" I turned around and he kissed me on the lips I kissed back and then he walked away and drove off into the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2016 ⏰

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