Chapter 2

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Days later the co-protagonists joined: Varun and Kriti, who would be shahrukh brothers and Kajol respectively, so the film crew would travel to Bulgaria for two months to film some scenes of the film there.

At the airport was almost all the equipment, the plane was about to leave, but Kajol was missing, which was very rare. She was not taking so long.

Srk: You talked to her? (Look at Rohit one of the producers of the film)
Rohit: yes! I called her, she said she was coming, but that was about an hour ago.
Srk: (worried) this is weird, she's never late.
Kriti: I do not want to frighten them but they tell us that we have to board the plane.

Shahrukh very worried begins to look for Kajol with the look among the crowd without much success since the airport was full. When he was about to give up he heard a shrill voice that shouted his name, with great effort managed to visualize where the voice came from but he knew perfectly who it was. Yes, it was her, it was Kajol, who ran desperately for the airport trying to reach him. When shahrukh saw her she ran with Rohit to help her with her things.

Srk: until you finally arrive !. Where were you? I was already worried about you.
Kajol: sorry! Is that I left a little late from home, the traffic is terrible, I come here and the thing is worse (altered)
Rohit: you're already here, now let's hurry! You have to board the plane.

Once on the plane shahrukh and Kajol sat side by side.

Srk: Are you ready for a new adventure of shahrukh and Kajol ?.
Kajol (smiles faintly): Yes.
Srk: Wow, what great enthusiasm (sarcastic) I thought you would be happy to get work together.
Kajol: (looks at him) sorry !! Is that ... it makes me sad to say goodbye to my children, I had not been so far away from them.
Srk: calm (take her hand) they'll be fine! After all they stay with their father, right? Once you said Ajay was a better father than husband. (joking)
Kajol (laughs): shahrukh
Srk: what? You said it, I did not say it.
Kajol: She looks at him angrily.
Srk: Well no, but seriously, do not worry, they'll be fine.
Kajol: I know, it's that I'll miss them a lot.
Srk: If I understand you, But I think, in these cases, today's technology helps us not to miss them so much.
Kajol: Yes I suppose so.
Srk: Tell me what I can do to make you feel better?
Kajol: Hmm, can you give me a hug?
Srk: But of course. (Hugs her) It is not necessary nor that you ask me.

When the plane finally landed in Bulgaria it was night so they decided to go directly to the hotel, cool off and then go out to have dinner together.
They went to a restaurant and asked for a table that was a little far away, to have a little privacy, so the fans did not recognize them and could have a quiet dinner.

Later in the hotel
The rooms of shahrukh and Kajol were one to the front of the other.

Srk: Kajol waits !! ... before you enter your room I want to tell you something.
Kajol: (look at him) tell me
Srk: I've been thinking and I think it's best to end this friendship.
Kajol: (looks confused) what are you talking about?
Srk: Of us, I think we'd better get away from each other.
Kajol: what?
Srk: I say I think this friendship does not do us or our careers well.
Kajol: please explain me well because I do not understad you.
Srk: It's easy. I do not want to be friends anymore.
Kajol (scared): are you serious?

Shahrukh nods without saying anything else. Kajol looks surprised, did he really want to end the friendship of so many years? Or was it one of his bad jokes? If he was, he would kill him, he thought. She stared at him for a few seconds and he did not say anything, not even the slightest gesture, so she thought he was actually talking meant

Kajol: (sad) I do not understand why you say this but if it's what you want it's fine ... I ...

Shahrukh did not let her finish because she let out a great laugh. Kajol looks at him angrily and surprised.

Srk: I'm just joking Kajol (he smiles and tries to hug her)
Kajol: (angry rejects the hug and moves away a little) I do not like your jokes.
Srk: and I do not like you (winks an eye as referring to that dialogue of the movie kkhh)

Kajol inevitably laughs and shakes his head. How was it possible that he could change his mood from one second to the next?

Kajol: I hate you. (she slaps his on the shoulder.) For a second, I thought you meant it.
Srk: Of course not. I could never part with you, you know you're my wife of movies. I will never ask for a divorce.
Kajol: (laughs) You're a fool.
Srk: I'll take that as a compliment.
Kajol: for you it is.
Srk: hey !!!
Kajol: haha ​​what?
Srk: better you go to bed before this ends badly. Tomorrow is a long day of recording.
Kajol: (smiles) is fine. Have a nice rest (kisses on his the cheek)
Srk: See you tomorrow!

Early in the morning they started recording. Bulgaria had the most impressive and perfect landscapes for the film.
They recorded all morning and at noon they stopped for lunch.

While they were having lunch

Kajol: (looking at her plate of food) at last !!! I was starving
Srk: (laughs) because it does not surprise me
Kajol: Shut up !!
Varun: Can I ask you a question? (Look at shahrukh and kajol)
Srk: Yes of course
Varun: How long have they been tired?
Kajol: (she chokes on her drink) What ???
Srk: Kajol (looks at her) Drink slowly, do not get drunk so early.(jokes)
Kriti: They are not married to each other.
Varun: (looks at her) no?
Srk: (laughs) No. My wife is Gauri Khan and the husband of Kajol is Ajay Devgan.
Kajol: Why did you think we were married?
Varun: (laughs) I do not know
Rohit: Guys can come for a second (look at Srkajol) I need to talk to you guys.
Kajol: Yes, of course.
Srk: what's wrong?
Rohit: Well we were talking to the producers and since this is their first movie together after five years we would like to do something special.
Kajol: special? Special how?
Rohit: well ... we think ... emm ... in a kiss

Srkajol at the same time

Srkajol: a kiss ???? (They look at each other)

Well finally I was able to translate the chapter, I did not like it much as I did, but I wanted to upload a chapter. Sorry for such a delay, I'm with exams and I do not have much time to write. But soon the vacations arrive and I can go up chapters more often.

Thanks so much for reading. Hope you like.

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