desire [1]

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chapter one

annika's pov. ♕

"what are my common interests? god damnit... does Netflix count?" i chewed on the end of my pen and glared down at the form for a job i was filling out.

'form' would be an understatement, honestly it was a packet.

and i mean like... a really big one. (thats what she said)

and im talking like, 30 pages big.

i roll my eyes in annoyance and lean back in my chair, rubbing my temples with the pads of my fingertips.

the shrill tone of my phone cuts through my pity party and i groan in annoyance.

i pick up my phone and look at the ID, seeing that its a unkown number.

my heart leaps with hope and i immediately pick up.

"hello" i say in a sweet voice while chewing on my bottom lip with anticipation. 

"is this Ms. Annika Evans speaking?" i hear a squeaky voice say through the other line and i hold back the strong urge to cringe.

"yes, she is." i say in the same voice as before, the hope inside of me rising.

"i have been told to inform you that you've been excepted to work at Matthews Inc. and you should show up at 8am sharp Monday morning. You will be given further instruction when you arrive." she says in what sounds of an annoyed tone, but im way too happy to even care what her voice sounds like.

i fight back the urge to squeal at the amazing news.

"thank you for informing me, ill be there at 8 on Monday morning" i say, rephrasing her words.

"thats correct, have a nice day" she says, and the line cuts right after.

i let out a shrill scream and jump out of my chair, doing a little victory dance.

"i got the job! i got the job!" i sing while jumping up and down on my bed.

"what the fuck" i heard from the other room which automatically caused me to shut up.

"what the hell, annika?" my drowsy looking roomate walked into my bedroom and i smiled at her innocently.

"annika, will you do me a favor and...   SHUT THE FUCK UP. SOME OF US ARE ACTUALLY TRYING TO SLEEP" she yelled and i couldn't help but let out a little giggle

"ash.... I GOT THE JOB!" i sang again and her face automatically lit up too.

"oh my gosh annika! yessss!" she said hugging me, picking me up off the ground a little in the process

"but seriously." she said, turning back serious again, "its hard enough to fall asleep living in Manhattan. shut up." she laughed a little and retreated back to my room, shutting my door on her way out. 

i smiled and went to turn off my light, jumping into my bed to get the much needed sleep that i hadn't had in weeks.







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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2017 ⏰

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