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Uhhhh I ....... I didn't know how to save it. I sighed. Guys the truth is that I'm your real father. They gasped in surprise. How?? Bj says. Well you'll get when your older. Look you guys it's hard for your mom to say it for you guys. You'll hate her forever. But just be mature ok? I say looking straight in the eye. What's mature??? They asked. Just be natural and don't tell you're dad. I thought your our dad?? Jason says.

You know who I mean. I say. I love you guys to bits. I smiled. They ran and hug me. I love you daddy! They grinned hard making me laugh. I love you too guys.

Back to the story.

I worked hard at restaurant. I finally finished and went home to change

 I finally finished and went home to change

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Hey Grayson. I waved. Do you know you look hot with that uniform but hotter without it? He kept coming closer creepily. He grabs me up aggressively. Why are you doing this!!! I yelled. Started to kiss me but I pushed him and ran upstairs. Grayson stop!!!!! I yelled. He didn't say anything. I punched him. Aww!!! He held his eye and I wanted to run out the room but he locked the door.

Aj pov
It's nighttime and I've been waiting for Danielle for hours. Daddy??? Where's Mommy?? Jason says quietly. Umm..... idkkk. I said. Come on guys I'll drive you home. I grabbed the guys things and put them in the car. We drove to their mom's house . We rang the doorbell. I heard screaming inside. ELLA!!! I said knocking on the door. I looked at the twins bags to find a key. I finally found one and unlocked it. I followed the noise all the way upstairs. I tried to open the door so I couldn't.

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I was using self defense. But it didn't work. Grayson was trying to take off my panties but I kept kicking him.Then someone kicked the door down. I saw who it is. Aj ran to him and punched him. The war began. I ran out of the room to find the twins where the stairways are. Jay! Jj! I ran to them. Mommy!!! They ran to me. I thought I'll lose you! I said. Mommy what happened to you ?? They asked so curious with their little pouting faces.
Idc what happens to me I just love you guys. I hugged them in relief.

Should I? Aj Mitchell StoryWhere stories live. Discover now