The interviews #1

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Hi I'm Linda with really breaking news. A 26 years old mom got shot yesterday night. Shot by her best friend Gina Holmes. It happened at the Deer lot neighborhood. Police and investigators are looking everywhere for more clues. At the scene and at Gina house. Grayson Dolan her husband and her twins Bj and Jason are at the hospital waiting for results of her being alive. Here's some interviews about her with friends and family.

Danielle Brown

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Danielle Brown

Danielle Brown

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Gina Holmes

Here's we go
I'm talking to Danielle Brown brother Scott Brown.

So where were you when this scene happened which was yesterday night at 9pm?

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So where were you when this scene happened which was yesterday night at 9pm?

I was at work which I work at a ice cream shop downtown here. I was cleaning up when I heard the phone ringed and her husband Grayson called I guess after the scene.

Is she your only sister you have?

Um yes I have a older one name Izzy Brown, she is in England with her husband.

Why is she there

To take care of our very ill grandma.

Very nice to meet you Scott Brown and thanks for listening folks and I'll see you in a few with a special guest.

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