Date Night part 1

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Justin's POV

I woke up and looked at the time it was 5:30am, and it was FRIDAY! Yes! I smiled to myself thinking about later tonight. Tonight I had a date with the one and only Babette Grace. Gosh I was getting excited just thinking about her. I got up and ran to the shower. I then got dress and saw it was 6:15. I ran down the stairs and ran to the kitchen and saw my Mom making breakfast..

J: "Hey Mom." I said kissing her cheek.

P: "Hey Honey, sleep well?"

J: "Yeah, how did you sleep?

P:" alright."

J:"Mom don't worry about the bill's."

P: "I know honey, I know."

J: "I love you."

P: "I love you too honey."

My Mom then sat the plate of pancakes in front of me.  As I was eating my Mom started to talk.

P: "Honey, your father called."

J: "That's nice."

P: "Oh honey don't ignore him."

J: "Mom he walked out on us."

P: "He walked out on me, don't hate your father he found someone better. Be happy for him." 

J: "He hurt you Mom and that hurt me."

P: "Alright well he would like to come and see you tonight."


P: "And why not?"

J: "I have a date?"

P: "A date? With who!?"

J: "A girl."

P: "What girl?"

J: "Her name is Babette."

P: "Babette?"

J: "Babette Grace."

P: "Oh I love her name."

J: "She beautiful Mom. Her black hair and her eyes oh gosh thoses eyes!"

P: "She sound nice." 

J: "She is."

P: "I'll tell your father you are busy tonight."

J: "Thank's Mom."

I then looked at the time gosh it's already 6:50.

J: "I gotta go Mom. Love you Mommy!"

I yelled while grabbing my stuff.

P: "Love you too!"

I then ran out the door. 


I ran inside and ran to Babettes locker. She was there. I grabed her hips and turned her so she was facing me. 

J: "Ready for our date tonight?"

B: "SHH!" She covered my mouth.

She brought me into the closet and turned on the light,

B: "Don't talk about our date tonight okay?"

J: "Why?"

B: "Your not a bad boy but your a bad boy. Do you get me?"

J: "Oh yeah babe."

I said with a smirk.

B: "Why are you smirking?"

J: "This is where people fuck and I'm looking at the used condom behind you."

B: "Ewww gross!"

She screamed while jumping on  me.

J: "calm down cutie, it's just a condom."

She looked up slowly.

B: "Y-You think I'm cute?"

J: "Uhh w-well y-yeah, I do."

She smiled at me. And kissed my cheek.

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