Go back to Canada

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Justin's POV

So I'm going to Babettes house today just to chill. I honestly missed her. She was the best thing that happened to me. I don't know what was wrong with me that night I told her I wanted nothing to do with her or the baby. I know what I did was wrong and I'm going to make it up to her. She tell's me she needs to trust me. I trust he 100 percent but she doesn't trust me and that kills me inside. I act like I'm okay just being friends but there are times where I wanna push her to the wall and start making out with her, maybe even have sex again. I don't know. But what I do know is I'm getting her trust back she is my life, my everything, my world. 

I went up to the door bell and rang it. A minute later Babette opened the door. 

Justin: "Took you long enough!" i said laughing.

Babette: "Sorry I was upstairs."

Justin: "What?"

Babette: "I was upstairs."

Justin: "No, your not going upstairs anymore."

Babette: "Why? That's where my room is."

Justin: "You'll get hurt. It's not good for you to be walking up and down the stairs with a baby in your stomach."

Babette: "It's fine."

Justin: "No Babette its not! You are to never walk up those stairs while pregnant with our baby."

Babette: "Your not my Mom, I can do what I want."

Justin: "Babette!" I said getting mad.

Babette: "Justin!"

Justin: "Just listen to me for once will you, everything I say is serious!"

Babette: "So you wanting nothing to do with the baby or me right, that counts."

My face soften when she said that.

Justin: "Baby, know I-"

Babette: "I get it, Justin just go back to Canada and be with Selena." 

She then turned around. 

Justin: "I want to see our baby."

Babette: "You can, just go back to Canada, I promise you will get to see the baby."

Justin: "I want to see you too."

Babette: "Don't play with me Justin."

Justin: "I'm not playing you, I'm serious. Babette I love you, I never stopped. What I did was wrong and regret it. I love you. I need you. Please don't give up on us.

Babette: "There is no us."

Jusitn: "Bae please, I'm going to make this work."

Babette: "Justin-"

Justin: "No please listen. Do you know what its like to not have a father around? It hurts. I missed being with my Dad as much as my Mom. I loved them both but it hurt knowing they didn't love each other and them not living together. Please I don't want that for our baby."

Babette: "Fine Justin you can stay."

Justin: "Can you give us a try?"

Babette looked down. 

Babette: "Justin I'll give us a try."


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