Chapter 1***

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Chapter 1: 

Blake's P.O.V

"Mm," I finally came around from my sleep; which was actually surprisingly comfortable. Way more comfortable than my bed— and so that means— I'm not in my bed. My eyes opened and I launched up sitting up off the ground, not being able to stand up because something was holding me down.

I furrowed my brows and looked down beside me to see a gothic boy laying there next to me, asleep. Felix? I thought. His arm was wrapped around my waist holding me down, and I don't know how it happened. I remember going to sleep next to Felix, but we were lying next to each other, not— cuddling.

I didn't want to wake him, so I laid back down into his warm arms and tried to fall asleep again, but was interrupted but slurping. Umm, what— the— fuck? This time all of us woke up. I didn't want to get up, but I opened my eyes anyway to see Felix staring at my face, just inches away. I instantly blushed wanting to look away but I couldn't break eye contact with him,

"What?" I asked him and he shook his head, suddenly moving and sat the both of us up. We then looked away from each other and turned to see Sam eating pawpaw cream— gross! What the hell! Why would he eat that?! Everyone was soon awake and staring at Sam, who didn't seem weirded out at the fact he was eating pawpaw cream. Andy stared at him the longest and spoke to him first.

"Sam, what you're doing?" Sam blinked and ceased his eating to turn and stare at Andy, a weird smile on his face.

"Eating pawpaw, it's a fruit right?" Andy was really grossed out, along with the rest of us. Jake's face remained the same but the disgust was visible in his eyes. Andy then continued talking to Sam and I really wished he would stop. I already had to put up with his talking last night.

"It's for itchy crotch," When Sam heard Andy's words, he started choking and coughing on his own spit and some of the pawpaw. I started laughing at him but at the same time, was majorly grossed out and wanted to spew. To stop myself from feeling sick, I began talking.

"Jeez Sam, how could you be so stupid, why would you eat pawpaw?" he stopped choking long enough to say,

"Well, its pawpaw, why wouldn't I eat it?" I gagged and covered my mouth with my hand, seriously scared I was going to spew. I knew Sam was stupid— I just didn't know he was this stupid.

"Come on guys—" Jake hesitated as he began talking to the guys, forgetting I was there, "And girl—" never mind, "We better be getting back home," At least someone here was being smart, nice one Jake. For a jock, I guess he had a pretty good IQ and seemed like a nice guy in moments like this— never mind, I only just met the guy!

We all agreed to Jake's words and stood up to leave. I grabbed my bag from where I buried it and gave everyone another sandwich each; goddamn it; now I was all out of sandwiches. And they were my favourite. Now I'm sad. Sam ate his so quickly it looked like he never had one. I gave him a bar and pushed him onwards, I walked next to Felix, who was walking at the back, and we kept walking till we came to a path clearing,

"Hmm, maybe if we follow this it will take us home, how about it guys?" I said and they were all about to say something when the sky opened up, but it didn't rain. A tornado came down, and it was heading straight for us. Jake freaked first, then me following. THIS ISN'T NORMAL! I cried in my head and turned to Felix who was just staring at it.

"RUN, EVERYONE RUN!" Jake screamed and we all agreed again and ran for our freaking lives. We ended up going back through trees and bushes, getting even more lost than we were. Fucking hell, I just wanted to get home! Now I was being chased by a tornado through the forest! This is not my day!

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