Chapter 17***

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Chapter 17:

"I wanna go home," I frowned,

"Sam, haven't you ever thought that this is home?" He shook his head,

"I have an evil twin living in my house, dating my girlfriend. Doing everything I was doing, and stealing everything I have. I want to go home," I frowned,

"Mia's not an object Sam. She was never yours. She loved you, hell yes that was obvious, but you never truly loved her till you lost her," this caused Sam to frown and get pissed,

"What the hell do you mean by that Blake?" I growled,

"Mia loved you and you treated her like shit. She gave you an anniversary gift. And you forgot the fucking date! Now you're stuck here. And all you can think about is yourself. What about her? Time is still moving there and all she can think about— wait, how about you tell me?" Sam frowned before walking out of the house.

I frowned before walking into the kitchen where Jake now sat again finally all clean. Felix was sitting there frowning one minute, next I was wrapped in his arm crying my eyes out. Why did Sam have to be such an asshole? He was my brother for god sakes, and I was meant to be getting along with him? I have never been friends with Sam, and I guess we never will be.

As I sobbed Andy and Jake quickly left for school, which is where I was hoping Sam was going. That's when I felt it— my eyes widened and I pushed Felix away with superhuman strength sending him flying into the wall. I put my hand over my mouth as I ran to the bathroom, letting everything in my stomach go.

I felt hands patting my back helping me to get everything up. I smiled and stood up turning to see Jake,

"Are you okay?" I nodded, smiling weakly,

"I've been better but, I guess this is the best I can be for now. I don't really know what to do about Sam sorry guys," Jake frowned and looked at me funnily,

"What is there to be sorry about? You tried to snap him out of whatever haze he was in, it just didn't work." I nodded sadly; I don't think he really knew what I was talking about. I tried to smile,

"Well, I think we might need to go to school." Jake nodded, and I suddenly remember Felix— SHIT.

I ran straight out of the bathroom and into the kitchen where Andy was placing an ice pack on Felix's head. I winced and ran over to Felix, grabbing his arms pulling him into me,

"Holy crap I am so sorry I didn't mean to push you so hard. I never knew I could do something like that, I only meant to push you away so I could vomit but I-I—" I didn't know what to say so all I could do is frown. I felt Felix pull me back into his arms and I froze. Huh? "Felix?" I heard him say shush,

"Don't worry about it, Blake. I'm not hurt I was worried about you," I frowned and pulled away from Felix, sitting on his lap,

"Why were you worried about me? It was you; you should have been worrying about. You could have been seriously hurt. You hit the wall really hard," Felix shook his head,

"Blake, you are all I worry and think about. Don't worry about me," I frowned,

"Felix I can't do that. You are all I can think about, that's what it's meant to be like." Felix nodded and stood up,

"Come on guys, we need to get to school and see Bates before we are in some big trouble." Andy and Jake's eyes widened in realisation and the pair of them were out the front door in an instant. I laughed and realised I was being held up in the air by Felix and only Felix, I wasn't holding on at all.

I squealed and clung to Felix scared he was going to drop me. I burrowed my head into his neck with my arms around his shoulders. I felt Felix chuckle at my reaction, causing me to growl and jump from Felix's warm arms. I instantly missed his warmth wanting it back so I wrapped on of my arms around his waist.

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