re: 8

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"See ya, Nanami!" The white-haired girl exclaimed, waving her hand at the ravenette with a smile painting her face before she left for home.

Nanami's smile started to dissolve as soon as her friend left, a loud yawn escaping her mouth as she opened her shoe locker--

"Huh?" Her eyes widened themselves at the sight of red rose petals flowing out of the wooden locker, most of them gracefully landing on the floor. With a frown upon her face, she took out her shoes and found an envelope inside with a white rose attached to it. "Uh, what the hell?"

She opened the envelope after she placed her shoes down, unfolding the letter placed inside before scanning her eyes through the printed paper.

Dear Nanami,
How do you like my present?

"Geh!" She exclaimed, folding the paper again and shoved it into the envelope. "What do I do with this!?"


"Iwt's a pwramk!" The brunette exclaimed through her mouthful of rice, "dewfinitewly a pwrank."

"Swallow first!" Shirai slammed her hand on the table, an irk mark decorating her head as she attracted all attentions towards their table.

"I said, it's a prank!" The brunette shouted before continuing her meal.

"Of course it's a prank, Mutsume." Nanami rolled her eyes at her friend, rewrapping her homemade bento as soon as she finished her lunch. "We're talking about the person behind this prank right now."

"Hanasaki." Shirai replied, placing down her eating utensils and faced her friends with a serious look. "The culprit must be him. He never really likes you, right? It's settled then, it's Hanasaki!"

"I can't imagine that bastard buying flowers for a mere prank though." The brunette uttered her opinion though shrugged. "Well, let's just wait for the next prank. Maybe we'll get more clue."

"You're right." Nanami nodded in agreement, relaxing a posture before letting out a yawn. "We have a math test after this, don't we?"

"We do!?" A masculine voice shouted, slamming his hand on their table before face-palming himself. "Crap, I haven't studied! Help me cheat, Nanami."

"Uh, do you think I studied?" She questioned the redhead, the smirk of a failure's proudly decorating her face. Ayato sweatdropped, exhaling a sigh, "I came to the wrong person."


As soon as the dismissal bell rang, endless chatters lit the once silent class. The teacher quickly exited her class and students followed suit.

"Wait for me, Shirai." Nanami called out, shoving books after books into her bag and that was when she noticed a piece of paper at the bottom of her drawer.

"What's wrong?" The light-haired girl asked, her blue eyes widening in excitement as soon as she saw a mysterious letter. "This! This must be from that prankster, right!?"

"I think so." Nanami nodded, "wait, I'll open it."

Dear Nanami,
I'm sorry it took so long but I have finally found this. Your hairclip.

metempsychosis ; sakamaki ayatoWhere stories live. Discover now