~Chapter One~

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This first part has a lot of not that good stuff in it so if abortion, cutting, or cussing isn't for you-you've got the wrong book.

I paced the floor and held the stick between my fingers. "Pregnant?! You can't be serious." I sighed and raked my other hand through my hair, shaking my head. "Trust me, I'm just as shocked as you are. I mean, me?! A mother?! Not gonna happen." I scoff and toss the stick in the trash. "So, what are you gonna do?" Jace asks. "I don't know! What do you think I should do?" She looked thoughtful for a moment then shrugged. "No clue." I blinked and sat beside her. "What the hell have I gotten myself into?" I groaned and placed my head in my hands. I heard Jace sigh and wrap her arm around me. "Do you want real best friend advice here?" I peaked up at her and nodded slowly. "Okay. I think you should find the father and tell him." I stood up quickly. "No way! Do you know how embarrassing that is?!" She shrugged. "It's the best option. You tell him, and then you guys figure out what to do from there." I rolled my eyes. "I know what I'm gonna do, get rid of it." Jace shook her head frantically. "No, anything but that."

"It's my fucking body and I don't want a alien renting it out for nine months!" I scream. "Why are you making this into some huge deal?" Jace rolled her eyes. "Maybe because it is some huge deal?!" I retort frantically. "I-I can't have a kid, I hate kids! Kids hate me! We have a mutual hate-hate relationship!" Jace smirked. "I can't wait to see their face when I tell them this story."

"Jacey, snap out of it! I'm not keeping it!" She sighed. "At least, tell the guy before you do anything. It's his kid too." I grunted and she walked around me to the door. "I'm going out. I won't be long, text me if you need me." The door clicked shut behind her and I stared at the stick poking out of the trash. I slowly approached it and picked it up, eyeing the blue plus sign in the small window closely. Maybe there was some  type of mistake? Something out of sorts? Or maybe I need to stop being an idiot and face the facts that I am pregnant whether I want to be or not. I shook my head and sat it down on my dresser, noticing myself in the mirror. I faced it head on and stared at my stomach, pulling up my shirt and imagining myself with a big baby belly. Somehow, I imagined the father, hugging me from behind with a bright smile of adoration for the unborn being. That's when I snapped out of it and pulled my shirt back down, roughly. I marched over to my bed and plopped down on my back. Jace's voice kept playing over and over in my head that I should call him. I sighed and shook my head, remembering I don't even have his number. I then snorted and rolled my eyes. How pathetic. My eyes trailed back to my laptop and I opened it, going straight to google and typing in his name. He was in some type of band I assumed because thousands of pictures and band tumblrs showed up with his face plastered across them. I clicked on a link to some concert they were having and bought a ticket for tomorrow's show. Luckily, they weren't that far from Michigan so it won't be that hard to get there. I groaned at the major headache that arose and closed the laptop quickly. How do you say 'you're fucking up my life' in baby? I laid back once again and stared up at the ceiling. I hated to admit it but she was right, the longer I waited to tell him the worse it would be. But then again, I could make a decision on my own and not give a shit what he says. But this is his baby too, as much as I hate to say it. I couldn't just choose what I wanted because it wasn't right to just not include the father. So here I was, sitting in the shower, staring at my hands in fear of what I had to do the next day at 12:05.  I slid my one truest friend across my thigh one last time, watching the almost-nothing trail of blood get whisked away by the water. I hissed slightly as it stung but admired the feel of it against my skin. I stared at them as my mind raced of what's to come tomorrow afternoon. I unhappily let my thoughts run free. Every thought that couldn't have been more wrong, felt so right. Every curse at the unborn in my stomach, was laced with straight venom. Every thought that I could've been the best CEO of a major company, gone wild. If only I could pretend this didn't happen and just go back to work tomorrow. But they'll notice soon enough. I couldn't hide it forever with baggy T-shirts and huge jeans and sweatpants. Besides, that's just not necessary. Then, I thought of the fact that I may have to wear the ugly pregnancy clothes instead of my clothes and groaned. Maybe it'll be okay? Maybe he'll say it's my decision and leave me to it? Maybe he won't want to be part of the kids life so I can just get rid of it? Maybe he'll say that he doesn't want kids, just like me? Maybe it's a boy.. I stared down at my stomach for a moment in disgust. WHO GIVES A FUCK WHAT THE GENDER IS?! I'm not keeping it so it doesn't matter. For some reason, I felt a tug at my heart when those words slipped into my mind. I ignored it and stood, walking out and getting dressed for bed. "Hanna? I'm back! I brought you some ice cream and Tim Burton movies!"

Okay, kiddos! Sorry that it was so angry and shit but I imagine this is what it would be like if someone didn't want kids. But the next chapter is a little happier, I think. Speaking of, I have to get on that! See ya and love ya dorks and forks!

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