~Chapter Four~

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"No." I denied Jace once again, trying to walk around her and to my car. "C'mon! Just for five minutes! Then we'll leave. I promise. Please, Han?" I shook my head and took off my lanyard. "You can go but I'm going home." I handed it over to her and walked away and out into the brisk air of November. God I should've brought a jacket. Who would've thought that me, a 21 year old almost-CEO would fuck up and forget a jacket. I grunted and latched my arms around myself, trudging through the parking lot in search of my car. "Hanna!" I sighed and pretended not to hear him and ignored the sound of his shoes pounding against the pavement. "Wait up!" I rolled my eyes and tried to walk faster. "Geez, if I didn't know any better I'd say you were trying to ignore me." Kellin breathed with a chuckle as he walked in step with me. He sure was freaking oblivious wasn't he? "Yeah." I laughed nervously. It's harder than normal to be a prick to him. Why-i couldn't tell you. "So, how'd you like the show?" I looked around, slightly distracted with finding my car. "Where are you headed?" He asks again, realizing his last question was left unanswered. I sighed and stopped walking, facing him. "Look, Kellin. You don't have to pretend to like my presence because, if I'm honest here, most people don't. I know why you're doing it and don't worry, I won't abort your precious little mishap. So, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to go home now." Kellin's face drops and he nods. "Y-yeah, uh, sure." I nod once and march up to my car. I open and slam the car door shut, leaving him alone in the darkness. I wish this stupid thing would come out already so I can give it up to adoption or something. I might not abort it, but I sure as hell am not keeping it. That's when I saw it. Planned Parenthood.


I woke up to the sound of obnoxious laughter from in the living room. I groaned and closed my eyes tightly, stuffing the pillow over my face. "Oh my god! Justin!" Jace laughed again. I rolled my eyes and grunted, tossing the pillow aside and marching out. "Can you shut up down there, I'm trying to sleep!" I yelled from the balcony of the stairs down to Justin and Jace on the couch. "Sorry, Han. I forgot how early it was." I rolled my eyes again and crossed my arms over my chest. "Whatever, just shut up." Justin looked confused and I began to walk back to my room. "Wait!" I stopped and turned back to her again to see her climbing up the stairs in a haste. "Um, do you maybe want to hang out with us?" I stared at her face silently and she bit her lip nervously. She would always be the only thing that I could never be angry at. I smiled small. "Okay." She smiled brightly and grabbed my wrist lightly, dragging me down the stairs to the couch. "Nice pajamas." Justin jokes. I rolled my eyes playfully and adjusted the pink panther pants and baggy shirt. "Thanks." He winked and Jace came back from the kitchen,...dragging Kellin in behind her. I felt my heart stop in fear that he found out what I did last night. He smiled shyly and sat on the other couch. He must've been in the same boat as I am with being forced to interact. "Kells, you can sit over here." She giggled. He blushed and walked over, sitting beside me, leaving a few inches in between us. "So, what do you guys wanna do?" Justin asks, being the only other person comfortable with this situation. I shifted a bit and waited for someone else to speak. "Uh, we can watch a movie or something?" I shook my head and stood. "I have to go change." As I walked upstairs, I heard someone stumble behind me and tap my shoulder. I glanced over my shoulder and groaned inwardly. Kellin. "Justin says we're going to the beach so me and him are headed back to the band house to get the guys and our swimsuits. I guess Jace is coming but I was wondering if you-"

"I'll pass." I scoffed, walking in my room. Not even a second after, he followed me in. "Oh come on, it'll be fun!" I rolled my eyes and grabbed a pair of jeans and a tank top with a black, green, and white flannel. I tossed it all on the bed and he grabbed them, holding them behind his back and smiling smugly. "Please?" I looked up into his eyes and tried to resist every urge I had. I groaned. "Ugh, fine." He fist pumped and I snatched my stuff back. I pushed him towards the door. "Now get out so I can change." Kellin held the sides of the door and looked down at me with a smirk. "Why? It's nothing I haven't seen before." I blushed and glared harshly. "Fine. Stay then." I took off my shirt and tossed it aside, grabbing a swimsuit from in my dresser and pulling it on. I felt Kellin's eyes still on me so I looked over in confusion. His jaw was dropped to the floor and his eyes were wider than I even thought possible. "What?" I laughed. "Y-you..I-I.." I giggled at his loss for words and pulled on my jeans over top. "Don't tell me you thought I wouldn't do it, Bostwick." He blushed as I did before and I smirked, putting on the tank and flannel. "I-..well,..yeah." I laughed again and walked over, looking up so we were face to face. "I never back down from a dare." I whisper. I chuckled as I noticed this had an effect on him. "By the way, impressive boner."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2018 ⏰

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