Chapter 5

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Previously on It Changed Our Lives :

Doctor: "Congrats Ms. Mcgarden you're pregnant"

???: "That blue haired Bitch is going to pay... He was mine first"

Levy: "Should I tell Gajeel about the messages?"

Gajeel: "Come on shrimp lets go have some fun"


Levy's P.O.V

Gajeel and I walked down the streets of Magnolia, and my eyes lit up when I saw a book store.

I dragged Gajeel in with me and went straight to the informational book section. I picked up a stack of baby books and made Gajeel hold them.

"Oi shrimp! Why do I gotta hold all the books?" Gajeel complained.

"Because you love me", I strategically countered.

He let out a deep sigh, "you got me there", he said making me smirk at my easy victory.

We went over to the small reading section in the far corner of the book store and sat on some bean bag chairs.

We read and shared interesting information about babies with each other. I giggled at how focused Gajeel was.

Just then I got a text:

?: no point in reading baby books when it won't live long enough to be taken care of 😁😈👶👀
~ End of Message ~

Fear struck my soul and I guess it showed through because Gajeel looked at me worried.

I forced a smile, "I'm just worried that I won't be a good mother" I lied.

He gave me a warm smile, "I know you'll be a great mom".

We went to the check out desk and bought two of the books and left the store. Then I saw it...





I pulled Gajeel along with me towards the stand and ordered a triple scoop ice cream, consisting of cookies and cream, vanilla, then strawberry.

I started to devour the delicious ice cream with twinkling stars in my eyes.

Gajeel started laughing and I pouted.

"What so funny?", my pout resting on my lips. he smiled. "Nothing. You're just so cute". I blushed Scarlet red at his words.

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