Chapter 4

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Levy's P.O.V.

"What?.. This can can't be real... this must be a mistake" I said to the doctor, not wanting to believe it.

"The urine test came back positive Ms. Mcgarden. There was no mistake made with the results."

I just stared at her with fear in my eyes. Tears started to form.

The doctor noticed the scared look on my face and put her hand on my shoulder.

"Can I call you levy?" She asked and I nodded in response.

"Levy I'm sure it'll be alright. there are other options...but talk to the father before you make any drastic decisions"she went to her desk and picked up a card.

"Please Levy call me if you decide I keep the child so we can set up monthly check ups." And with that the doctor left the room.

I sat there with tears cascading down my cheeks .'How am I going to tell Gajeel?'.

Gajeel's P.O.V.

I was laying in bed thinking about shrimp and the time we had at the party, when my phone suddenly rang.

Caller ID: 🍤😍🍑Shrimp🍑😍🍤

"Speak of the devil", I mumble, before answering.

"Hey Shrimp what's going on?" I ask cheerfully. "O-oh uh hi gajeel *sniff*sniff I need to talk to right now. Can you come over. Please*sniff*sniff" she said in a shaky voice.

Worry filled me. "I'll be there as fast as I can" I said hanging up.

'I wonder what happened she sounds like she's been crying'

I grab my coat and put on my shoes, rushing to my, navy blue, 2015 Mercedes Benz.

Luckily it was only around 1:30pm so there was no traffic. I got to her house after about five minutes and pulled into the driveway.

I went up to the door and knocked thrice.

A few moments past then a teary eyed Levy opened the door.

She jumped I'm my arms wailing. I picked her up bridal style, closed the door, and sat us both down on her living room couch.

"So what happened? What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"G-gajeel I um w-went to the clinic a couple hours ago cuz I *sniff*I was u-uh *sob* throwing up a lot the past week *sob sob* and they said that I'm p-pregnant." She choked out. breaking into tears.

The colour drained from my face. 'P-pregnant?!!' I thought. I'm not ready for a kid what am I gonna do.

My thoughts were cut off by the sobs of distress of my blue haired lover.

'I can't believe myself... Shrimp is only 15 and not to mention that she's the one that's pregnant. I should be happy that she even told me...SHE'S the one that's most affected'

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