Ch. 20

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"This better be quick. I hate item exchange." Sombra was driving the truck to the rendezvous point. He got out and leaned against the vehicle, waiting for the next truck. Soon, a red truck pulled up. The driver stepped out and Sombra looked in disgust. "Shit."


"I don't have time for this. Let's just hurry up."

"She's going to kill me

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"She's going to kill me."

"What?" Sombra started grabbing boxes from his truck.

"Taylor. She's going to kill me."

"She's not going to kill you."

"Yes she is! She's going to take me away, then she's going to kill me!"

"She doesn't kill anyone from her armies. Not even former members, you know that."

"I just—"

"Clyde, enough!"

Clyde stopped and looked at him. "Sombra, I—"

"You are nothing but a liar and a traitor. You'll be lucky if I don't shoot you down myself." He didn't want to admit it, but he was still hurting. He's waited so long to say those words to him, but didn't know it'd feel like this. His gun was raised, but he was trembling, tears fell and so did the weapon. He attempted to wipe his face. "You stupid piece of shit." Clyde slowly made his way towards him and hugged him.

"It's okay."

"It's not okay!" Sombra pulled away and looked at him

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"It's not okay!" Sombra pulled away and looked at him. "I looked up to you! You were my idol! I fucking loved you!"

"I...I know."

"Then why would you leave!? I don't understand!"

"I'm sorry. I can't explain now. I will though, I promise." He hugged him and kissed his head. "Everything will be fine."

After the exchange, Sombra got into the truck and drove back to the base. Once he arrived, he saw Taylor leaning against the entrance. 

"What's she doing here?" He parked the truck and stepped out. "Ma'am it's  very early and cold out. What're you doing?"

"You were taking a long time. Wanted to make sure you were okay." Her words were cold, no emotion to them.

"Well I'm here, I'm fine." He smiled at her.


"Yes ma'am?"

"I trust you, no?"

"Of course."

"You are a fine soldier. One of my best." She laughed. "I know you wouldn't betray me."

"No leader! I would nev—"

"Because you know my rules

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"Because you know my rules."

"Y-yes ma'am."

"And what is the one rule I expect of all my soldiers, hm?"

"I—" he was scared. He'd never been spoken to like this, rather, he'd never heard her like this before.

"Out with it."

"When the time comes, a soldier must put all feeling and emotion to the side. For the good of the army."

"Good." She pat his shoulder. "And do you know why that is?"

"No ma'am." He looked at her as she laughed.

"A soldiers emotions are a distraction to them. And soon, they lead to something much worse."

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