one - victor

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Yuri's heart was racing as it was his turn to skate. His vision had begun to go blurry, making it seem as if he was underwater. He knew that his program was amazing as Victor played such a big role in it, and by a big role, he choreographed it. 

In all honesty, everything victor did was perfect and amazing, nothing less then that.

"Katsuki Yuri from Japan in second place after the short program. He is skating to Yuri On Ice" 

He has to do his best. He couldn't let anyone think that Victor taught him absolutely nothing. Winning would prove he was worthy of being Victor's student, that Victor didn't make a huge mistake leaving Ice Skating just to teach him. He had to be perfect, much like Yurio was with his program.

However, Victor wasn't there to put confidence in him, or to cheer him on. He was gone, and that left him alone.

As he spun he wanted to vomit as his heart was punding in his head, in his stomach, in his toes. He landed his quadruple toe loop, but his second jump turned from a triple to a double. 

'Crap, crap. Calm down, calm down'  he told himself, but how could he calm down when that mistake would possibly ruin his chances at advancing? 

The urge to vomit was growing as the room was spinning faster and faster. He had never felt this way, ever. Why was the room spinning then and not when he skated any other time?

'How do I recover from this?' he asked himself. He would have to make up the points taken off for his mistake by doing all of his jumps perfectly, and making sure he was more elegant and graceful, just like Victor taught him.

'Yuri, you tend to flub your jumps when something is on your mind' 

'Starting today I'm your coach. I'll make you win the Grand Prix FInal'

All he could think of was Victor, and Victor always knew what he was thinking, as if he could read his mind. Victor was more than his coach, more than a friend, he was his everything. 

Never had Yuri been able to openly say he would win gold, he lacked the confidence to do so. But with Victor in his life, he felt as if he could do anything and everything.

Victor had given him a purpose.

The next jump he did, a quadruple, he had messed up, it had enough rotations, but he couldn't land it. He knew he could land it, but why not then? His mind was wandering off, and all he could think of was Victor.

 Victor wasn't there, he was in Japan. If he could clear his mind and stop thinking of Victor, he could land his jumps perfectly.

His triple axel was coming up, and he needed to land it, so he calmed his mind, clearing Victor from his thoughts. He didn't need the man distracting him when he needed to focus, but that was Victor.

'You can do this, Yuri' he tried to tell himself. He wanted to close his eyes as he prepared to jump in the air for his triple axel, but he kept his eyes open.

As he did the jump, he knew something was wrong from the moment he left the ice, and as he was coming down. His feet were angled wrong, way different then every other time he did it. He knew he would land and most likely have to catch himself before he fell; another few points would be taken off because of that: he would have to make up for it with presentation.

He landed it and something was, indeed, different. He could hear a loud pop echo through his body, and white hot fire burned his entire left leg. He wanted to continue his program, he needed to, but his body collapsed. The pain grew in his left leg, moving to his chest, then head. He had never experienced pain like this before, ever.

He screamed in pain, his body convulsing. He knew that he most likely looked like a fish out of water, gasping for air. He tried to get back up, to continue thr program, but his body collapsed beneath him. All he could feel was white hot fire licking at his knee, sending him into excruciating pain.

"Yuri!" he heard someone yell. Who was it? He turned his head to the side to see Yurio running to him, almost slipping on the ice. If pain wasn't on his mind he would have smiled at the fact Yurio was running towards him.

As the blond ran to him, screaming his name, the pain grew and grew. He groaned in agony as he tried to grab his leg out of instinct. His body rocked, and his vision was clouding, it felt like he was dying, but he knew he was most likely going into shock from the pain. 

If it wasn't for the immense pain, he would have felt the cold ice freeze his skin through the thin costume he was wearing.

"Help!" Yurio called out. Yuri wanted to laugh at Yurio being foolish. He didn't need help, it was just a simple injury; he knew that was a lie though. 

A simple injury wouldn't be sending him into shock, or cause Yurio to go into panic, and as he looked into the boy's eyes, he saw true panic and fear.

"Where's Victor?" He asked softly, although he was gritting his teeth in pain. He knew where Victor was, but his mouth was moving faster then he could think.

He wanted Victor at his side; with him. The whole reason he was even competing was because of Victor, so where was he? He was in Japan, with his dog who may or may not have made it because of stupid buns. 

Why did he ever think it was a good idea to send Victor off when he needed him the most?

"I want Victor!" he yelled as he couldn't hold back the pain any longer. He began to roll on the ice, screaming as he held his knee. Yurio could only watch and do nothing as Yuri convulsed in pain. 

Yuri's eyes were closing as the pain was growing, and all he could see before his world turned black was the Medics rushing in, and Yurio being pulled away from his side.

'I'm sorry, Victor' had been his last thought before succumbing to sleep.

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