two - sorry

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Third Person P. O. V.


Yuri's eyes fluttered wide open before shutting tightly as the light of the room was too bright. It was only a few seconds later that he opened them once more, taking a look at his surroundings.

He was in a hospital room.


The noise was loud, as if it was coming from inside his own head. He turned to look at the side of him, finding what seemed to be wires and tubes coming from his arm. His eyes then followed the wires and tube up to what was a monitor, which was also the source of the beeping.

"..what?" He managed to ask. 

Everything that had happened came crashing down on him, and remembered coming down on his leg, sending him into extreme pain; his knee was hurt far worse then a simple sprain.

He remembered calling out for Victor right before he passed out.


"Victor?" his voice was hoarse and his throat was dry, and he needed water.

Next to him was a red button attached to what looked like a remote. He pressed the button, hoping that it would summon someone to come check up on him. As he laid there, waiting for a nurse or doctor, he thought of Victor.

Had Victor come back from Japan? If he did, then he would have been informed of his accident. Victor was probably disappointed as he could have qualified for the next competitions, but he couldn't land his jump, resulting in him being in a hospital.

"If it wasn't for you being on my mind, I wouldn't be hurt" He said with a soft smile. 

Yuri took the time to look at his body, finding that his leg was propped on a pillow in what looked to be a black boot. As he tried to move it he winced as the pain shot through his body like electricity through wires.


"So I see your awake" a voice said from the door. 

Yuri turned to look, finding a nurse and a man. No, not just any man, it was Victor.

"Is that really you? Victor?" His voice was so small as he held back tears. 

The man in front of him looked different then the one that left to Japan. This man had blood-shot eyes, most likely from a lack of sleep, and dark bags under his eyes, and his overall posture told Yuri that Victor needed rest.

"Of course it's me" He said. 

The nurse came over to Yuri, checking his pulse and monitor. While she was checking him, Yuri stared at Victor. What was he suppose to say?

'I'm sorry'

'I have failed you'

'What will you do now?'

No matter what he said, it didn't change the fact he had wasted Victor's time. Tears began to build up in his eyes, and sobs shook his body.

"Mr. Katsuki, is everything fine? If something hurts you should notify me or the doctor right away" The nurse said, a look of concern in her eyes. 

"I'm fine" it was a lie. How could he be fine after he was injured, and possibly unable to skate for the competition?

"Could you give us a moment?" Victor asked. 

The nurse nodded as she glanced back at Yuri, making sure he was fine before leaving the two alone.

There was awkward silence as Yuri looked away from Victor, too ashamed to look him in the eyes. And the thought of Victor being disappointed hurt him even more, causing the sobs to grow bigger, and louder.

He was a failure.

"W-What happened?" Yuri asked as he was still unsure of what injury he had sustained. 

Victor gulped as he looked at the ground, this time being the one to advert eye contact. Yuri couldn't help but think the worse.

"During your program, when you were doing your triple axel, you landed wrong. The doctors said the way you came down was at an odd angle, and you tore the ACL. You also seemed to have sprained your right leg in the process, and the pain was so much you passed out." Victor sounded reluctant when telling Yuri what had happened.

Tearing the ACL usually meant having surgery, and he may not even be able to skate after the surgery. His career was most likely over.


His fists clenched the sheets as tears rolled down his cheeks, dampening the covers. His body was shaking with many emotions, the most dominant being anger. All he could think of was what he could have done to prevent the injury.

"I-It's all m-my fault V-Victor! I-I h-had so many things on m-m mind and I f-failed y-you!" Yuri cried out. He wanted to be embarresed by his crying and outburst, but he felt as if he had no control over his body or emotions.

"Yuri, it's not your fault, I shouldn't have left you here. Going to Japan was a mistake. It's my fault this happened to you" Victor's voice was low as his eyes slowly moved up, making contact with Yuri's eyes.

All he saw was pain.

"How can you say that? It's my fault you left skating! It's my fault you have feel the need to push me so that I'm not ruinging your name! It's my fault I landed wrong, tore my ACL, and wasted your time" his voice got softer with each sentence.


Victor stared, his face showing no emotion, but his eyes showed everything. 

It showed his sadness. It showed his pain. It showed his regret. How could he have left Yuri when he was needed the most? The only reason Yuri would mess up a jump would be becuase he had something on his mind. The reason he tore his ACL is because he was on Yuri's mind.

"Yurio told me that right before you passed out you called out for me" he paused" Meaning that I was on your mind. Were you thinking about me when you were skating, and messed up because I was on your mind?" He wanted to confirm his suspicion.

Yuri stopped crying as he looked into Victor's blue eyes. He looked at the ground, as if ashamed.

"I was thinking of you. But you are not the reason I am injured. That is no one's fault but my own" Yuri argued. There was no way he would let Victor take the blame, the guilt, for his actions.


"Yuri, please. It's not your fault" Victor said one again, getting closer to Yuri. As soon as he stepped closer Yuri's monitor began to go faster, his heart racing. 

Hot tears poured from Yuri's eyes as he let go of the sheets, his hands grabbing the closest thing to him: Victor.

"I'm so sorry, Victor. I promise you that when I get out of here, and better, I'll skate again. I'll win gold for you next time. I promise" He cried into Victor's chest. Victor wrapped his arms around Yuri, pulling him closer. 

He couldn't help but think that Yuri was in pain seeing as he twisted his body to make sure his leg didn't move, seriously hurt.

"And I'll kiss it" Victor whispered as he kissed the top of Yuri's head.

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