Chapter 1

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"Come on, Susie! We have to be at this party in 10 minutes!"

"Alright! Calm your tits, I'll be down in a minute!"

My God she's so pushy, my best friend Lynette is at my house and we're getting ready to go our friend Jack's 16th Birthday party, it's going to be weird there because there's nobody else that we know going to this party.

"So, are you going to try to get a boy?" Asked Lynette sheepishly

"Hahaha I would like to try and get a boy, but you know me, I'm a very effective boy repellent."

"You are not! You're beautiful, now chin up Bug Head, you'll find someone one day, preferably tonight"

"Haha gee thanks Lynette and you know I always try, okay just for your sake I'll try harder tonight"


Lynette is always bugging me that I need to get a boyfriend, I'm 16 and I haven't had a boyfriend before. I always say that I'm a boy repellent because I've always been called "ugly" and "fat" I'll admit that I'm not the hottest candle on the cake or the slimmest model of the bunch, but I'm not the worst. Every guy that I get close to always has the same sort of excuse, I'm either too fat, too ugly and the most popular excuse in my book, too friendly.

I've been obsessed with this guy for two years now and Lynette is trying her hardest to get me with someone else to get him off my mind but nobody is like him and the ones that are like him never like me back, so basically it's a vicious circle!

So anyway to get on with this story, Dad dropped off Lynette and myself to the 16th, we were one of the first people to get there so it was pretty empty. It was a pretty big room but we eventually found Jack.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACK!" Lynette and I both said in sync.

"Naaaw thanks you guys"

I gave Jack $50 and Lynette and him a frog onesie, my present seemed like I had no thought to it what so ever, so a little bit disappointing, but oh well.

"Oh my glob thanks Susie, Lynette, you guys are the best"

"Haha Jack you deserve it, Happy Birthday you old person, you"

"Naaaw don't know weither to be flattered or offended"

"Hahaha you can be both"

"Haha alright then"

As soon as that conversation was over someone else walked in the room.

"Oh my God, Susie look at that guy"

I looked and saw him, wow was he good looking. He had very dark brown hair, pretty close to black hair, the hair style itself looked like James' from season one of Big Time Rush. He wasn't wearing anything fancy, just a casual printed t-shirt with a dark grey hooded jacket, jeans and dark blue Vans. He was just a bit shorter than me but was pretty under weight.


That's all I could seem to mutter. Of course I didn't have the courage to walk up to him myself so I went up to Jack"

"Hey Jack, who's that guy that just walked through the door?"

"You don't remember him? That's Steve from Stacey's Birthday party last year, you made friends with him I think"

"Wait what?"

"Did I say something wrong, Susie?"

"No, of course you didn't, it doesn't matter anyway"

"Okay then , would you like to say hi to him with me?"

"Umm, yeah sure, may as well"

The more that I looked at Steve the more memories were coming back to me, around this time last year my other friend Stacey had her 15th and it was a costume party. I came dressed up Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory and this kid that I didn't know (Steve) rocked up at the same time as me and I started the conversation with him but he was rather shy. I tried to make friends with Steve during the night but all I got was a photo and nothing else. Looking at the photo I realised that he hasn't changed at all.

"Hey, Steve right?"

"Um yeah, how do you know me?"

"Oh I'm Susie, you were my Sheldon twin last year at Stacey's party"

"Oh yeah, now I remember, I thought you looked familiar"

"Haha yeah"

There was about four seconds of awkward silence when I decided to break the ice again.

"Hug?" Was all I managed to say "I always greet my friends with a hug and you copied my costume last year, technically you owe me""

"Haha, okay then"

"Yes!" Was all I could seem to think, it wouldn't mean much to him, but it means a lot to me, getting the priviledge to hug a really hot guy!

The hug seemed a bit awkward but I squeezed a bit tighter and he did it back, it felt so nice and I don't think I'll ever forget this moment.

"Jeez Susie, trying to get the D already"

I whipped my head around, of course it was fucking Lynette. We broke away from the now awkward as fuck hug.

I pulled Lynette away by the ear and angrily whispered in her ear "THIS is why I don't get any of the guys you Doofas" I just walked away from her and Steve and Lynette just followed me pissing herself laughing.

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