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{ Hudson's POV}

As I was kicking my feet to fasten my skateboard I saw the big brown hell hole, school to be more specific with you Western Maine High School.

When I finally reached my locker sighing while reaching in and grabbing my books and schedule. After I finished getting all of my books and binders I needed for rest of the day before lunch I sighed looking at my schedule while walking to my first class,pre calc.

Yes for my age (17 as of January 6th) that is advanced math but don't go thinking I'm a nerd or holier than thou because I'm not, quite the opposite really, on the contrary they say. But just because I'm smart doesn't mean I can't be my own person.

While I was walking to class and reading the rest of my schedule I bump into someone making all of mine and whoever I bumped into books tumble on the ground. Groaning as everyone turned to see the scene I got on my knees picking up my books thinking I'll probably be late to class but I don't care I should have ditched' and I would have if my parents weren't on my case.

{ Luna's POV}

I was scrambling to get to class trying not be late when suddenly I was knocked into, falling on the ground dropping all of my stuff.

Annoyance flooded my senses seeing as everyone turned to watch. I despised attention I rather be ignored to be honest with you. Especially since it was my first day of school in the new state.

I moved here four weeks ago, 'a fresh start' my cousin thought. Maybe it would be good, just maybe.

After I finished picking up all my books muttering an almost silent "sorry" I quickly jet to class before all the people giving me glares could speak what they were thinking.

Once I finally got to my class I took a seat, sitting in the back on the far right corner where no one was, I liked being alone it gave me peace at mind.

As everyone finally settled after the bell ring the teacher introduced himself saying a few things about himself and then getting to work.

About twenty minutes into class the door to our classroom opened up, a boy tall maybe 6'2 with dark brown quiff styled hair and dark brown eyes waltzed in.

Obviously annoyed about being disrupted my teacher, Mr.Peter

almost shouted saying

"How great for you to join us, Mr.Dylan, thank you for gracing us with you presence."

In which he replied with a cheeky smile "Well you guys are very welcomed." Escorting himself to take a sit right next to me.

Not until then was when I realized that he was the person I bumped into in the hall, and he was very intimidating. 'Oh gosh' I though 'What kind of mess have I gotten myself into.'

A/N: Sorry this chapter sucks and it was it is kind of just a filler chapter and it was slow but one we get to the plot I swear it will be better if you just hold on with me okay I'm probably gonna start updating on Saturdays this was a bit late sense I was having a bit of writers block trying to think of ways to start this book off. I would also like to say since this is my first book it will not be my best writing so please don't expect it to be. Also parts of this was written at 4AM so sorry if it doesn't make sense. Okay bye now.

~ Taylor Monique

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