EM in action? ;-; (CHAPTER 90?!)

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Okay. First of all, WE'RE ON CHAPTER 90?! WHATT?! X3 How have you all been able to comment and look at my crappy art for 90 Damn chapters?! O.O HOODINI! XD But yeah! Thankyou guys for..Putting up with me and my horrible art for 90 Chapters! I love ya all bunnies! Also, the lil layer things are still glitching but I'm fixing it...Slowly but surely :3 CX

Em: *Giggling and laughing crazily* This is so much FUN~! *Laughs more and shoots guns jumping as well* :3((Also

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Em: *Giggling and laughing crazily* This is so much FUN~! *Laughs more and shoots guns jumping as well* :3
((Also...Did chu know that my name in Irish is Aibreán?! I'm half Irish and I remembered my nana saying that! Random fact of the day :3 XD))

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